SmellsofElderberry25 t1_j9x1qh1 wrote
Reply to comment by majoroutage in Don’t forget to clear your car off!! by aehsonairb
Actually, you’re probably less likely to get hit by the ice if you’re tailgating. Im not encouraging this.. but physics.
SmellsofElderberry25 t1_j3cq4n6 wrote
Reply to comment by noodle-face in Transgender worker denied health care files discrimination complaint by javi2591
I totally agree, but that doesn't give them the right to be discriminatory.
SmellsofElderberry25 t1_j3cg1of wrote
Reply to comment by noodle-face in Transgender worker denied health care files discrimination complaint by javi2591
I appreciate your openness to learning more.
Data indicate that 82% of transgender individuals have considered killing themselves and 40% have attempted suicide, with suicidality highest among transgender youth. (Source: NIH)
Gender dysphoria is a severe problem in the trans community and access to gender affirming care (which is supported by the major medical groups like the AMA) is the best way to treat it. This may include taking or blocking hormones, minor, or major procedures. As with any medical treatment, you work with a doctor and generally start with the least invasive/severe solution and continue treatment until you find some combination of things that works.
SmellsofElderberry25 t1_j3cesgy wrote
Reply to comment by noodle-face in Transgender worker denied health care files discrimination complaint by javi2591
I'm not trying to be flip, but do you know anyone who is trans? This is life saving surgery.
SmellsofElderberry25 t1_j3a2byu wrote
Reply to comment by noodle-face in Transgender worker denied health care files discrimination complaint by javi2591
You don’t think the non-trans staff can get hormones or medically recommended surgeries? I bet they can. Turbocam is calling out a specific class of people and denying coverage. If the health plan rules said “Black people can’t have surgery to fix broken bones”, they would lose instantly.
SmellsofElderberry25 t1_j3a1mzz wrote
Reply to comment by Chappy_Sinclair_ in Transgender worker denied health care files discrimination complaint by javi2591
This is “medically recommended surgeries”, not elective.
SmellsofElderberry25 t1_j2c6fu1 wrote
SmellsofElderberry25 t1_j1zvykm wrote
Reply to comment by Confused-Ruby in how to deal with winter? by same-shit-everyday
To clarify, I assume you’re talking about microspikes like these, not climbing crampons which wouldn’t be appropriate to use “around town”. I just don’t want someone new to Maine winters thinking the snow and ice are that bad! 🤣
SmellsofElderberry25 t1_j1xq1uu wrote
Reply to comment by New_Sun6390 in Group opposed to Maine consumer-owned utility turns in signatures for a ballot question of its own by DrMcMeow
I know a lot of people that get power from local coops and they all get better rates AND service than the surrounding towns serviced by for-profit electric companies. Of course we don’t know what the future holds but assuming it is worse than the “devil we know” is not a way to improve things.
SmellsofElderberry25 t1_j1xowfz wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Group opposed to Maine consumer-owned utility turns in signatures for a ballot question of its own by DrMcMeow
And how is this different than what the other group is doing? They funding a non-grassroots campaign to block this using money from the company this owns the utility. I’d much rather an environmentalist from away pitch in their money than an international corporation with their stockholders interests in mind.
Edit: F autocorrect
SmellsofElderberry25 t1_j1xod3o wrote
Reply to comment by w1nn1ng1 in Group opposed to Maine consumer-owned utility turns in signatures for a ballot question of its own by DrMcMeow
SmellsofElderberry25 t1_j1xnrgg wrote
Reply to comment by lcd207617 in Spectrum has its head so far up it’s ass that they think I don’t have service. I didn’t lose service at all during the storm and it’s working just fine now. by Guygan
Rectum? Almost killed ‘em!
SmellsofElderberry25 t1_j1xnpku wrote
Reply to comment by Longjumping_West_907 in Spectrum has its head so far up it’s ass that they think I don’t have service. I didn’t lose service at all during the storm and it’s working just fine now. by Guygan
Who is winning (and which game are they playing?)
SmellsofElderberry25 t1_j1lynyk wrote
Reply to comment by schreckenghast666 in Internet with no power? by TheScout277
Does it work better with the power OFF? Maybe you’ve been doing it wrong the whole time!
SmellsofElderberry25 t1_j1kgm8m wrote
Reply to comment by sneakyfucker1977 in House flooded by sneakyfucker1977
Pain is temporary but that memory will last forever. You’re making a memorable Christmas for your kids. Can’t ask for a better Dad!
SmellsofElderberry25 t1_j1atdrl wrote
Reply to comment by Fast-Negotiation-597 in I have a friend who has a cabin in Maine on a lake and spends all his extra time there. Any suggestions for a Christmas gift? by DenverMobile
I saw someone selling Maine-shaped boards at the Fryeburg fair a year or two ago that were really nice. Can’t find their card now of course! There was also someone (maybe the same vendor) who would custom cut signs in the shape of “your” lake. They had some precut of Sebago and other big lakes which was pretty cool. Can anyone refresh my memory for OP?
SmellsofElderberry25 t1_j124xet wrote
Reply to Some classy parking last night at OTTO in Auburn. No visible handicap tags whatsoever. Scum by coastalgirl207
There’s a pole at the Auburn Walmart with this guys name on it.
SmellsofElderberry25 t1_iyy6q2m wrote
Reply to comment by Ken-Popcorn in Why are houses in Randolph so cheap? by Clementine823
Unfortunately it was not rigorously (or effectively) cleaned up. I’m glad they they stopped pulling water from that reservoir since I was drinking it!
SmellsofElderberry25 t1_iywktrf wrote
Reply to comment by MrRemoto in Why are houses in Randolph so cheap? by Clementine823
Moved away 10 years ago due to the schools but still drive an hour to get Lynwood pizza a few times a year.
SmellsofElderberry25 t1_iywi434 wrote
Reply to comment by kellmoops in Why are houses in Randolph so cheap? by Clementine823
Can confirm:
My first house was within walking distance of it. My block was largely original owners, almost all of whom had someone in their household that had cancer. Small sample size, but not where I wanted to stay with my young kids. The fact that the town refused to fund the Prop 2 1/2 override to fund the schools for 3 years in a row (in the early 2000s) drove the state to nearly take over the school. I loved the diversity, the library and the friends we made, but had to get out to give my kids a better education and healthier environment.
SmellsofElderberry25 t1_iywgibr wrote
Reply to comment by Ken-Popcorn in Why are houses in Randolph so cheap? by Clementine823
Unfortunately not. According to the 2020 update they are evaluating
>new options for groundwater
>remediation that involve injecting chemicals into the
>groundwater plume to prevent arsenic and other
>contaminants from entering groundwater. Because
>the efficiency of the pump-and-treat system has been
>in steady decline, EPA and MassDEP have been
>exploring the potential for alternative treatment
>methods that could result in a faster and more
>effective cleanup.
SmellsofElderberry25 t1_itiq9mo wrote
Reply to comment by jihadgis in Found in Bangor near Hudson. Torn down of course, because if anyone can help with “sexual orientation confusion” it’s definitely not evangelists. by Soggy_Requirement617
Nothing wrong with removing hate speech.
SmellsofElderberry25 t1_itbt892 wrote
Reply to comment by JayhawkInMaine in Looking for traditional Maine recipes from early 1800s by JayhawkInMaine
Also University of Maine has some traditional recipes (many already mentioned here) though they don’t give a ton of history.
SmellsofElderberry25 t1_iqtu1pb wrote
Reply to comment by bleahdeebleah in How do you pronounce 'Scallop'? by bleahdeebleah
And yet you asked! 🤣
SmellsofElderberry25 t1_javwntk wrote
Reply to Only in Maine. by Sea_Raisin1735
The whole thing is wickid mint.