Submitted by lucifyed t3_zy6lfd in massachusetts

Hi Massholes,

Relatively newer driver here. I’ve had my license for almost over a year but rarely, if ever, travel on the highway. In your opinion, what’s an appropriate speed to use in the fast lane?



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dreinitials t1_j23zwlg wrote

There is no fast lane. It is a passing lane. Period!! You pass in that lane and get the fuck back over!! Welcome to mass and go fuck yourself


superbbuffalo t1_j23zxuk wrote

Stay in the middle unless you’re passing. The left lane isn’t technically a travel lane in MA and there’s nothing more frustrating than someone who doesn’t move out of the left in order to yield to passing traffic.


Prestigious_Bobcat29 t1_j2403df wrote

There is no such thing as a “fast lane”. It’s the passing lane. Make your pass and get back over to the middle or right.


greymaresinspace t1_j24138o wrote

just pull off into the slow lane if some dickwad is doing 95 on your ass, its not worth the risk.


johnny_cash_money t1_j241fy6 wrote

At least 10 over the speed limit. Otherwise someone will be driving up your ass.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j24211e wrote

Try to blend in. Don’t be the fastest nor the slowest car on the road. Middlin’.

Stay in the far right lane unless passing.

If someone tailgates, don’t tap the brakes. Don’t play the windshield washer fluid game, don’t slow down to taunt them. As soon as there is a safe opportunity to do so, pull over. Let them pass.


detective_bigfoot t1_j2422ax wrote

They will actually pull you over if they catch you traveling in the passing lane.


Omphaloskeptique t1_j242g3g wrote

Go with the flow. If you find yourself cruising all by yourself, observe the speed limit.


milfordloudermilk t1_j242whe wrote

Because so many folks drive in the passing lane like it’s a travel lane it’s easier most times to pass on the right. I would say if YOU find yourself driving in the “fast lane” you shouldn’t worry about your speed but rather the pit maneuver someone will use on you


BigE1263 t1_j242xdm wrote

If you ever sit in that ducking lane, I am and will flash you every time.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j243lw4 wrote

Don’t play games.

Both the break tap or windshield washer fluid spray are forms of mild aggression that can escalate and are bad advice to anyone.

Not all drivers are sane. Don’t egg them on. Without warning you’re a victim of a road rage incident, for what? Why?


Opposite_Match5303 t1_j245cyq wrote

Faster than the lane to the immediate right. If you are not passing the cars to your right, you are in the wrong; if you are, you are in the right. There's nothing more to it.


darksideofthemoon131 t1_j245rhf wrote

I'd just like to know when the speed limit got moved to 85- seems like anything under 75 and I'm getting people riding my tail


RagnarBaratheon1998 t1_j24a0n6 wrote

I respect you for looking to do the right thing. Almost every driver in this state just uses the left lane as a commuter lane so they can go 85 mph during their whole drive to work.


darksideofthemoon131 t1_j24a86m wrote

This IS in the middle lane. I go about 70-75 in middle lane and people come up on me like I'm at a standstill.

Edit- especially at night. I have a stigmatism so bright lights can be a lot when they're on high beam in your rear view despite plenty of room to go around me.


Cost_Additional t1_j24l242 wrote

Stay to the right unless your passing, keep the flow of traffic. Drive it like you stole it.


joeys4282 t1_j24spml wrote

Depends on which highway your on in my opinion. 495 is way different then route 114.


Belowme78 t1_j24u53o wrote

If you’re asking, you’re moving too slow.

Appropriate speed is based on traffic/congestion. 85-90 mph isn’t incoming.

If you do drive in the 3rd/4th lanes and see cars backing up behind you, get out of the way and into another lane-you’re causing delays


mmelectronic t1_j24vja7 wrote

Fast lane is only for active passing, or if the highway is a rolling parking lot, but when it gets moving and you are clear you should be passing if you stay there.


Papa_ljack56 t1_j251qfo wrote

I see you really want to endear yourself to us Bay staters. My recommendation is that until you have more experience avoid major highways unless you want to experience the white-knuckle thrill of driving on 128/95, the Pike, or 495. If so, be my guest, the staties usually patrol them regularly if things go too bad.


throwaway4pkmntcg t1_j2554s0 wrote

i will get a lot of hate for this, but i prefer to drive in the left lane. i dont like the right because anytime people are merging theyre an idiot, and the middle lanes are fine, i just like having the stability of a solid left side next to me. but i will move over if someone is being an asshole trying to go 120 in a 65 while im going 80. it also depends on what road youre on bc on Route 1 where the speed limit is 50, people will really follow that 50 or go even below. i typically go 60 when i can. but on roads with a 60-65 speed limit ill go between 65-85 whenever possible. anything over is excessive. you will get to your destination at most a single minute faster driving like a dipshit. its not worth a potential accident. just follow the flow of traffic, dont be stupid, and watch out for the stupids who dont know how to drive.


argl3bargl3 t1_j255t1b wrote

If you’re doing a flat 65-70 in the center lane, the left lane is to pass anyone in that lane who is going slower than you.


husqofaman t1_j2564wf wrote

If you are going under 100 move over.


SomeHomeOwner t1_j25dzpl wrote

As others have said.. there is no "fast lane.." there is just a passing lane. When you're in that lane you should be going faster than the vehicles in the lane to the right of you to complete your pass and then move back over to the travel lane, but you also want to try to keep it within 10 mph of the actual speed limit. As my trooper friend says.. 9 you're fine, 10 you're mine. Most importantly, however, don't weave like a jerk. This isn't a video game. Drive safe out there.


October7_7 t1_j25elyj wrote

It's a passing lane you twit get the fuck out of it if you aren't actively passing fucks sake


October7_7 t1_j25loi6 wrote

You know you'll get a lot of hate for breaking road rules and inconveniencing your fellow motorists, yet you do it anyway. The irony of you telling other people to watch out for "Stupids who don't know how to drive" is practically absurd.


A_Man_Who_Writes t1_j25vmps wrote

People in the left lane regularly go 75-90+ depending on the highway. But yes, as every other commenter has said, the left lane is exclusively a passing lane. My two exceptions are two-lane highways when they get busy and a multi-lane highway that’s packed full. The left lane gets utilized way more when there’s a lot of traffic.


LionClean8758 t1_j261wyz wrote

Left: 75+

2nd lane from left: 70-75

2nd lane from right: 65-70

Right: 50-65 (I'm giving some leeway for those having a bad day like car trouble, hauling a trailer, etc.)


Daily_the_Project21 t1_j26bmaj wrote

There is no fast lane. It's a passing lane. If you are not passing, move to the right.


PabloX68 t1_j26nwmd wrote

As other said, the left most lane is not the fast lane. It's for passing. Of course, if you're passing the rest of traffic, you'll be in the left lane most of the time. However, keep an eye on your rear view mirror and move right if there's someone close behind and/or flashing their high beams.

As a practical matter, the left lane in MA is 80mph+ and if you've only been driving for a year, you're not ready for that unless you've had something beyond the usual dogshit driver's ed.


noodle-face t1_j26o5ji wrote

Whatever speed won't get you pulled over


No_Construction5607 t1_j26sfle wrote

I once got pulled over, in upstate NY, for driving in the left lane. The trooper told me she pulled me over because the left lane is for passing only. After I said, “you’re seriously enforcing that?”, she replied yes. To which I answered, “well, technically I was passing everyone.” I then got a $350 ticket. 😳


11BMasshole t1_j26ts9r wrote

I always looked at it as it’s spreading the flow out. And also I really didn’t want to do the added paperwork for it. It’s just such a ticky tack infraction in my opinion. Now the lane weavers, Those guys were a definite stop for me.


NeedhamSprings t1_j26txoe wrote

Fast lane is for passing, stay to the right otherwise


tomtomtom2000 t1_j26z0xo wrote

Depends, but most MA highways are 65 so I say 75-80.


whynotbass t1_j2728gy wrote

There is no fast lane. There's an exit lane, a travel lane, and a passing lane


SanDiego628 t1_j272ozc wrote

If someone is behind you in the fast lane you're going too slow. Get back into the middle.


rattiestthatuknow t1_j27a5on wrote

Fuck, it’s amateur hour in here. The left lane is a serious thing and if you have to ask this question you’re not ready.

You CAN stay in the left lane, chances are you’ll be there with some others but you better pay attention and make them go faster. If someone behind you wants to go faster, get out of their way.

If you’re behind someone who is spacing out, remind them with a quick flash.

If it’s light enough you should be can be in the middle/right and only pull out to pass whomever is in your way.

Before you pull into the left make sure you’re not cutting someone off who is coming up with speed. It’s wicked annoying when it happens to you.


Maronita2020 t1_j28b8me wrote

This isn't an answer to the question you asked, but since you are a new driver to the highways, I caution you that the breakdown lane (on the right) is SOMETIMES a travel lane. Having said this, please pay attention to the sign's when it becomes a travel lane and if you need to pull over for problems with your car you might have to pull further over from there.


bemest t1_j28g8e6 wrote

And when passing if cars are queuing up behind you it’s not fast enough. As for the middle lane the correct speed is the speed of traffic. Here’s another tip. When entering the highway that merging lane is called the ACCELERATION LANE by the time you get to the top of the ramp you should have accelerated to match the speed of the traffic in the right lane! Now you only need a car length to slide in. If the traffic needs to brake to let you in or cars behind you need to brake - you fucked up. And finally USE YA BLINKAH! If you do those things, left lane for passing, maintain speed of traffic, don’t make anyone slow down when merging and signal lane changes you will be in the top 1%.


bobsugar1 t1_j28qjpm wrote

I usually drive 80 but I think you can probably get away with 85 on a 65 mph road


BuyLocalAlbanyNY t1_j28tb05 wrote

The passing lane gets a fraction of the traffic of the right lane. The right lane is used by trucks, while the left lane is used by lighter and faster vehicles.

Hence, the right lane has a lot more potholes. The right lane should get repaved 2 times more often than the left lane.

Any highway engineers here?

Note: This is true in most highways. See 87 north or south approaching exit 19.