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SeaworthinessLeft88 t1_iz5amhp wrote

I love Market Basket, but I hate shopping in Market Basket. The crowds are always insane at my local MB, and they’re always restocking in the already too narrow aisles. It’s like mad max of grocery shopping. I once had a lady crash through my cart and multiple carts as she wanted to go through the lines backed up for all ~20 open checkout aisles. The place is always a madhouse, no matter the day and time I go.

If Instacart ever supported MB (or if MB had their own delivery option a la Walmart), it would probably be the only place that I would shop. Right now, I mostly shop Aldi via Instacart, then pick up the few things they don’t have at stop and shop.


god_damn_bitch t1_iz64tyy wrote

There's always older townies blocking aisles talking. No matter where I've lived and which MB it is, they're always a constant. The stores also all smell the exact same.


Megsmik8 t1_iz73rtb wrote

Instacart has Market Basket, they've had it for almost 2 years now.


SeaworthinessLeft88 t1_iz73zzp wrote

Not my local one for my zip code. Trust me, I’ve checked many times.


Megsmik8 t1_iz744lz wrote

Oh that sucks. Hopefully they start for you soon!


Selarom13 t1_iz91x7f wrote

They’ve had it much longer than that. I did instacart years ago in like 2018 and all of the orders were through market basket this was in Manchester nh at the time though.


Megsmik8 t1_iza5s5x wrote

It depends on your area and even if they are available in it. I think if they're a super high traffic store, they don't allow instacart. I live in Newton and mine uses the one in Waltham. Which is why I'm guessing mine has it.


Feisty-Donkey t1_iz8j9t8 wrote

I hate it so much for that reason. I will pay more money not to have to go near Market Basket