Submitted by [deleted] t3_zfwovi in massachusetts
aureswi t1_ize3qrn wrote
Reply to comment by Zulfii2029 in How to contact MIT by [deleted]
... click the fucking link in the last comment. it talks about how to prepare for MIT and how to apply, which is exactly what you're asking for.
how are you expecting to get into MIT if you can't be bothered to do the bare minimum amount of work/research into the process??
Zulfii2029 t1_ize7qb2 wrote
then what the fuck am I doing here if you don't call it research
aureswi t1_ize87sv wrote
I dunno, what ARE you doing here? other people have provided several relevant links to what you're asking for, yet your last response indicated you didn't even bother doing a basic Google search, nor have you acknowledged any of the content in other people's comments
click the links. read about the process. email them if you have more questions.
Zulfii2029 t1_izhjkp6 wrote
Ok I've done that
aureswi t1_izhk63h wrote
great! I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors
Zulfii2029 t1_izhvxc7 wrote
Thank you
M_Shulman t1_izemxqr wrote
Maybe your research method should include a primary source, ie: talking to MIT directly; multiple links and email addresses have been provided. Instead of getting frustrated with a bunch of internet strangers that likely have no knowledge of MIT other than where it is, how to find its website and maybe some bars in Cambridge…
Zulfii2029 t1_izhjawd wrote
This is soo great comment 🤣🤣🤣
Menacing_Anus42 t1_izej3y2 wrote
Asking for people to spoon-feed you answers and research for you.
Zulfii2029 t1_izhjga0 wrote
Fuck off
Menacing_Anus42 t1_izj0soa wrote
lmao, good attitude, you'll make it far in MIT, and the US.
Zulfii2029 t1_izm5ras wrote
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