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[deleted] t1_j13ek6k wrote

Reply to comment by Old-Resource8260 in Dunce by CloroxWipes1


It’s ok you can be the one who hangs out with people that support making fun of handicapped people, who don’t consider gay/trans people to be human, who would rather kill their neighbor than wear a mask, steal elections, destroy women, and literally bully everyone who doesn’t align with their weirdo 1950s cult

We fight for democracy here, not you sniveling little traitors.

Fuck off you disgusting scum. Burn in hell.


Old-Resource8260 t1_j13mfg6 wrote

Fighting words....bring it mf


[deleted] t1_j13mm7i wrote

Maintaining basic democratic standards isn’t fighting words you piece of fucking shit. Thanks for proving the point though.


Old-Resource8260 t1_j13pd68 wrote

Democratic.....standards? Is that an oxymoron? Democrat, socialist, Marxist or just plain fucking commie, your party is out to destroy America so fkstks like you can lay around all day collecting your basic income.

And we aren't going to let you.

When you broadbrush those who don't share your opinions and warped ideologies, you show what an ignorant, uninformed, fool you are. The day is coming, friend, when those right wing conservatives (and there are more of them than you know)are going to make your existence "the suck".

I'm a libertarian by the way. I don't give 2 fucks about how anyone conducts their lives, like most of us out here. Live, and let live. Stay the fuck out of my grill, shut your fucking pie hole, and read a history book about the USA, and maybe you'll survive "the suck".


ChefBoyAreWeFucked t1_j17ed57 wrote

Lol, "I'm a libertarian, live and let live. Oh, also, we will make your life miserable."