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minimagoo77 t1_j0vxlez wrote

I think it’s more Dorchester residents are wondering why they’re being used as a dumping ground for the rest of the city at this point. This wouldn’t even enter the realm of possibility in any other neighborhood in the city. Plenty of places and buildings but for whatever reasons it seems to always be Dorchester. Not Back Bay, South End, Fenway, Seaport, Allston/Brighton, etc… The city is simply hiding this issue instead of dealing with it. It just all gets pushed into corners of Dorchester so the “main” city doesn’t have to deal with any of it.

This is such an odd area to be doing this in but just supports that the city is trying to hide the issue. It’s be nice if they took that entire warehouse wasteland between South Bay and Boston Medical and developed it instead of tearing down and building in this very remote area where there’s hardly any homeless folks and limited access to transit options.