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OccidentallySlain t1_j5vnxmu wrote

The people I actually feel for are the ones that can only use 44/3/195/495 within 30 miles of the Cape. Most don't have great transit either, aren't on the cape, and not going to the cape. They have to deal with an extra 30+ minutes of traffic to live a middle/lower class life every summer while the cape continues to be composed of beaches, money, wasps, and political power.

Except Duxbury and Marshfield. Just enough money for they to get uppity about it and think they're better than everyone else and enough money to forget what normal is, respectively.


If those bridges came down and the only access was by boat or train the cape could be like the vineyard lite while maintaining the same flow of people and everyone in the lower half of Plymouth county would be more than happy to forget about it.


pab_guy t1_j5w6t7y wrote

>while the cape continues to be composed of beaches, money, wasps, and political power.

No that's the islands (aside from the beaches anyway). Cape is kinda trashy in comparison. (Sorry)