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Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5d9a8v wrote

> 100% agree. Very uncomfortable and doesn’t seem to be doing the sub any good. Just banning people recklessly under the pretense of a moral high ground and making attention-seeking posts.

I disagree and yet, you're not banned.

The only people who have been banned are those who promote bigotry and homophobia, plus those who cannot have a respectful conversation. There is also 1 person, who kept trying to make new accounts, just to tell me off. -- As if, that was going to end well. lol

Now, if you're the type of person who "needs" to call people names and supports bigotry or homophobia, I can imagine I'll be a nuisance. Otherwise, I welcome people disagreeing with me and having respectful conversations.

But if you're not someone who can respect the status quo, then yes, this is me: