Submitted by Linux-Is-Best t3_10i51jx in massachusetts

Hello everyone,

I am a local of Massachusetts, in the Western Mass area, around the Southampton/Easthampton area. I have mostly lived in MASS since childhood and throughout most of my adult life, except for a few years living in Washington, D.C., and New York (Manhattan). Likewise, I have family throughout Massachusetts and parts of New England. I am often available since I do work from home (full-time) and Reddit is my escape from work sometimes when work is either slow or I need a break.

On New Year's Day (January 1, 2023), I joined the moderation team here on r/Massachusetts. You'll find that whenever possible, I believe in being transparent and forthcoming. My primary objective, which some of you have noticed, has been to keep the Subreddit fairly "on topic" (Massachusetts), but also to "clean house" concerning trolls, hate, spam, and alike junk post.

Most people, I believe, will find me a breath of fresh air. I believe in people freely sharing their thoughts, opinions, and ideas in a polite and respectful manner. But those of you who may not be so pleased are those who try to use the excuse of "freedom of speech" to push hate and discrimination. That stuff will no longer be allowed here.

I want to thank everyone, who has reported any unwanted content. Your help is very much appreciated. Our community is almost a Quarter Million members, and it is thanks to you.



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noodle-face t1_j5cneqc wrote

Is western mass real... Yes or no


ZaphodG t1_j5cobnc wrote

It’s real but it’s filled with the worst sort…. Yankees fans.


Anra7777 t1_j5ez216 wrote

What? I see more Yankees paraphernalia whenever I’m in the eastern side of the state then I’ve ever seen in the western.

Source: Am from both sides of the state because of parents. As an adult, I live and spend most of my time on the western side, but still visit the eastern side often.


GroomedScrotum t1_j5ellx4 wrote

Go Yanks! Get all the NYY fans in the Berkshires here. Me being one of them!


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5cphp0 wrote

> It’s real but it’s filled with the worst sort…. Yankees fans.

Guilty? lol

I am not a sports fanatic. I'm the type of person who watches the endgame... ie... The world series, SuperBowl, etc. But I do tend to cheer on the Yankees whenever they make it to the World Series.


comment_moderately t1_j5d2c1v wrote

> But I do tend to cheer on the Yankees

I’m all for robust and open debate, but I’m like 90% this is hate speech and inappropriate for this sub. Who should I complain to?


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5d2zra wrote

> I’m all for robust and open debate, but I’m like 90% this is hate speech and inappropriate for this sub. Who should I complain to?

If you find any bigotry or homophobia, please use the report button. It ends up in the moderator query, and then it's a 1st come, 1st serve on which the moderators view it.


Zreaz t1_j5dc6gn wrote

Think ya missed the joke on that one…


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5dph0m wrote

> Think ya missed the joke on that one…

Whoosh... Went right, over my head. lol

(I get it now)


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5ctb3q wrote

> Is western mass real... Yes or no

Define, real. lol

( YES )


Quincyperson t1_j5e7jnd wrote

Is it true they speak French there?


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5eygzc wrote

> Is it true they speak French there?

Ironically, some do. Fun fact, we also have some people fly the Canadian flag here too.

You will find a few Polish communities here too, and some from Puerto Rico. Throughout the years I have learned a bit of French, Polish, and Spanish for this reason. And it is not uncommon to see other flags here beyond just American.

St Patrick's Day is nearly a week-long event as well. One of the local parades here (Holyoke, MA) can vary from 1 - 4 hours long. I remember the one in Boston not being so extensive and was surprised by that fact. Although it has been shorter since the pandemic, though.


ZaphodG t1_j5fe9nz wrote

I once ate some of the world’s largest kielbasa at the festival in Chicopee. That event sadly fizzled. I’m in the Land of Linguica. Kielbasa here says Hillshire Farm on it. Not quite the same as the local stuff in the Pioneer Valley.


Beantownbrews t1_j5i01qc wrote

>I once ate some of the world’s largest kielbasa at the festival in Chicopee.

I heard that about you


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5fhjmj wrote

I miss Blue Seal Kielbasa, which was also from Chicopee. These days I cannot find any of their products in store.


[deleted] t1_j5emdg1 wrote



nadandocomgolfinhos t1_j5eu2bw wrote

I’d offah yah a cuppa tea for this one but I think it’s in the habah.

Ya can get Barry’s tea at mahkit baskit. Best evah.

————— sigh I miss living in MA. I hope to go home when I retire but I can’t afford it.


[deleted] t1_j5evnrw wrote



Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5eyop7 wrote

> I was gone for 10 years and just came back. I never realized how much I missed it. New England is a cult

Come. Join the dark side. We have cookies and milk. 😂


warlocc_ t1_j5cczp5 wrote

Good to see a moderator that's open and communicative. Usually reddit mods only ever speak up to try to flex their authority.

Hopefully it goes well.


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5cf68h wrote

> Good to see a moderator that's open and communicative. Usually reddit mods only ever speak up to try to flex their authority. > > Hopefully it goes well.

I like to be a part of the community and not just govern society. To do that means being open and honest with people.


AnyRound5042 t1_j5cos37 wrote

They let a new Yorker be a mod?


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5cp873 wrote

> They let a new Yorker be a mod?

I am not a New Yorker. Between DC and NY, I lived outside of MA for less than 2yrs.


Mindless_Arachnid_74 t1_j5czh2s wrote

Spend more time on the other side of the Quabbin and learn that “western mass” is 495 for most massholes


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5d5q22 wrote

> Spend more time on the other side of the Quabbin and learn that “western mass” is 495 for most massholes

The poor folks in central mass really do get forgotten about, eh?


Mindless_Arachnid_74 t1_j5m4cab wrote

Can’t call for help when there is no cell phone service.


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5m4xps wrote

> Can’t call for help when there is no cell phone service.

Are you kidding me? They have cellular service out in the north, western mass, out in the middle of the woods. I would be surprised to find someplace in central mass without coverage. Without data, I can imagine, but at the very least, phone service.


dan420 t1_j5cswwz wrote

Western Mass? You mean far eastern upstate NY?


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5ctvh3 wrote

> Western Mass? You mean far eastern upstate NY?


Geographically, I am more toward Connecticut, but I have always had a fondness for Rhode Island.


dumbass-foxboi t1_j5cm4kn wrote

You seem like the type of moderator to remove things that don't agree with your political opinion by the way you word things


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5cq1is wrote

> You seem like the type of moderator to remove things that don't agree with your political opinion by the way you word things

Why do I feel like that's bait? lol

I'll answer it anyway... I'm the type of moderator who has no problem with people disagreeing with me, so long as they do not try to revolt against the rules.


elite_tablespoon t1_j5cs3it wrote

Didn’t you ban someone in this comment thread for disagreeing with you?


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5cspst wrote

> Didn’t you ban someone in this comment thread for disagreeing with you?

In this thread? Only 1 person was banned, and it was because they started cussing at me (those posts have been removed, too).

I'm fine with people disagreeing with me or anyone else, respectfully. I'm fine with people having a difference of opinions, thoughts, and ideas.

But once you cannot be civil, you also cannot be a member.


elite_tablespoon t1_j5cu2ta wrote

I understand why they got to the point of cursing at you - after they disagreed, you just tried to shut down their dissent by saying it wasn't up for debate. IMO it's not very civil to silence people who disagree with you, either.


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5d010v wrote

> I understand why they got to the point of cursing at you - after they disagreed, you just tried to shut down their dissent by saying it wasn't up for debate. IMO it's not very civil to silence people who disagree with you, either.

There is a difference between talking and discontent. The OP was having less of a discussion and more trying to sway opinion concerning the rules and policies, which are not up for debate. - They, simply, are. You either abide by them, or you can leave or be banned for not following them. There is no alternative.


[deleted] t1_j5d216m wrote



Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5d2k2z wrote

> I think you have a very draconian view of moderating, and I think I'm just gonna unsub.

That's your choice. Have a wonderful day.


[deleted] t1_j5d3cx6 wrote



SkiZer0 t1_j5d81ku wrote

100% agree. Very uncomfortable and doesn’t seem to be doing the sub any good. Just banning people recklessly under the pretense of a moral high ground and making attention-seeking posts.


elite_tablespoon t1_j5dc55v wrote

Yeah, when moderators start making me feel uncomfortable about their actions, I just unsub. It's a lot easier than dealing with it.


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5d9a8v wrote

> 100% agree. Very uncomfortable and doesn’t seem to be doing the sub any good. Just banning people recklessly under the pretense of a moral high ground and making attention-seeking posts.

I disagree and yet, you're not banned.

The only people who have been banned are those who promote bigotry and homophobia, plus those who cannot have a respectful conversation. There is also 1 person, who kept trying to make new accounts, just to tell me off. -- As if, that was going to end well. lol

Now, if you're the type of person who "needs" to call people names and supports bigotry or homophobia, I can imagine I'll be a nuisance. Otherwise, I welcome people disagreeing with me and having respectful conversations.

But if you're not someone who can respect the status quo, then yes, this is me:


dumbass-foxboi t1_j5cqag6 wrote

Ignore me I'm sleep deprived and depressed


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5cqlr7 wrote

> Ignore me I'm sleep deprived and depressed

While I, myself, do not suffer from depression -I can most certainly sympathize regarding lack of sleep. I am often a functioning insomniac.

I am sorry you're expecting that. I hope things turn around for you.


dumbass-foxboi t1_j5cqqxv wrote

Oh well thanks man, my mind ain't working right currently and the days are all bleeding into eachother but idk


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5cqx5h wrote

> Oh well thanks man, my mind ain't working right currently and the days are all bleeding into eachother but idk

I've felt like that before. My perspective of time can be funny sometimes. Again, I wish you all the best and hope things turn around.


Hilarias_Glucose_Cup t1_j5fvqjc wrote

With the exception of a few subs, thats pretty much every mod on reddit at this point. 😂


cimson-otter t1_j5d4gx3 wrote

Over moderation completely ruins a sub. Also, karma farmer will make for an awful mod


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5d4q8f wrote

> Over moderation completely ruins a sub. Also, karma farmer will make for an awful mod

Well, good news, I don't care about karma. It's not like it's worth anything. Also, good news, I only plan on moderating content that is hateful.

That's wonderful news, provided you like having respectful conversations.


successiseffort t1_j5ezp8j wrote

What speech have you decided is hateful?


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5fsuf5 wrote

> What speech have you decided is hateful?

General hate speech and homophobia. Anything attacking people or groups because of their race, ethnicity, skin color, point of origin, gender, sexuality, identity, and what goes on between consenting adults. This includes intentional misinformation, propaganda, and the painting of stereotypes.

Our community will welcome a wide range of friendly, informative, and opinionated points of view, including news, information, general questions, etc... But it will do so while being civil with one another.


warlocc_ t1_j5gahx1 wrote


I have to hesitate on this one a bit. Stereotypes, by themselves, are generally not harmful and are often not false.

For example, I'm posting this on Reddit as a straight white male with glasses and a beard.


Big-Hurry7 t1_j5gd0op wrote

So how does anyone organize a counter-protest?


Beantownbrews t1_j5i0mbz wrote

Don't you see - counter-protests just embolden the terrorists! /s


[deleted] t1_j5cd8ah wrote



Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5cewg9 wrote

> Are you the mod that decided against us discussing hate groups here, or was that a group-wide decision?

That was an administrative decision. Reddit in general is cracking down on hate. Having such content in our Subreddit would not be beneficial and would attract the wrong type of individuals and content.

I personally, support that policy. -- Why?

There was a time, not too long ago in our society, when hate groups were far & few. There was a time when such individuals were fearful of coming out into the light because society would shun them. It was not something people were openly proud of and coming out as a racist could mean risking losing your job, friends, family, etc...

Over the last few years, it's like society has been marching backward into the 1940 or 1950s. We have unfortunately "jerks" who seem all too eager and proud to display and promote their hateful and spiteful agendas. And hate seems only recruits more hate.

These types of hate groups depend on spreading their propaganda. To encourage others to wrongfully adopt their ideology. To make others feel confident, if not comfortable, in expressing their bigotry.

Our Subreddit will not aid and comfort bigotry or homophobia. We will not empower anyone who does.


[deleted] t1_j5cfmmf wrote



Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5cgfjz wrote

You believe that calling attention to these people would be a good way to "target" them. -- Well, technically, that would be against Reddit rules (no DOXing) and in some ways would be illegal. We cannot promote people to go track down some jerk and deal with them.

The reality is, those types of posts and the individuals they attract only make it seem like a vocal minority is wrongfully a majority. They end up being the perfect staging grounds for the recruitment and empowerment of those groups.


[deleted] t1_j5cgx28 wrote



Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5chq25 wrote

I am not going to debate it with you. This is not a debate.

I have told you the position of Reddit, wanting to crack down on hate, discrimination, and misinformation. And yes, my opinion happens to agree with that policy.

You can either respect it or leave or be banned for violating it. That's the benefit of free will. The choice is yours.


No_Bowler9121 t1_j5emg49 wrote

To be fair though the more Reddit and sites like it have tried to clamp down the worst things have become. They shunned the people on the edge into their echo chambers.


1diligentmfer t1_j5cf4kj wrote

They have to deal with new-account-monthly trolls that pick fights in every single comment they make, adding nothing to the community, so everyone suffers because of them.


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5cfqqg wrote

> They have to deal with new-account-monthly trolls that pick fights in every single comment they make, adding nothing to the community, so everyone suffers because of them.

Reddit is getting better at detecting those people, and they're automatically removed now. In time, they will be less of a problem.


[deleted] t1_j5cfyvg wrote



warlocc_ t1_j5cj0kp wrote

To be honest, it does seem to be a fair point that making a big deal of these groups in the last few years has emboldened them.

Reverse psychology is a thing, after all.


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5cjyz4 wrote

> To be honest, it does seem to be a fair point that making a big deal of these groups in the last few years has emboldened them. > > Reverse psychology is a thing, after all.

It has been sad to watch. I hope in time that they'll once again be shunned back into the shadows, to wither and fade back into irrelevance and obscurity.


NativeMasshole t1_j5cw9yi wrote

It's exactly what they want. It gives the hate groups free publicity. People on this sub were literally sharing their propaganda for them! Any time one of these assholes hangs a sign in public, it gets posted online for far more eyes to see it.

It doesn't matter if you're doing it to hate on them. You think they've never been called mean names online before? They don't care, and it still spreads their message. What's more, how are we supposed to know that the propaganda isn't being posted by the hate groups themselves? I saw a goddamn rally invitation shared on this sub before the mods put a stop to the nonsense.


warlocc_ t1_j5cxcbe wrote

>It doesn't matter if you're doing it to hate on them.

Even that seems like a bad idea to me. We've seen the comments in those threads rapidly get mass moderated for threats, and the ones not moderated are generalized derogatory messages like "All Republicans are [evil thing]" which just makes us all look nearly as bad as what we're decrying.

"They're the bad guys for being hateful" loses some credibility when the people saying it are being moderated for death threats.


1diligentmfer t1_j5cl3c8 wrote

Hopefully you can hang on to this account another week or so.....


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5ch7mt wrote

> Oh, so because they don't want to moderate, we should stifle discussion about something and pretend it doesn't exist?

Racism and homophobia, exist. I wish it did not. I truly wish it did not.

But sometimes shining a light onto something, only spreads more fire. Look at the past few years, for example. What I said in another post was true... Not so long ago, those hateful people would be cowardly, mostly by their lonesome. However, around 2016 or so, a few loud, vocal, and impressionable people who should not have been given a bright spotlight and microphone on top of a metaphorical soap box were given their so-called dues.

Shining more light and giving them more attention, only serves them.


[deleted] t1_j5chvqz wrote



SouthShoreSerenade t1_j5cke28 wrote

"All publicity is good publicity" and "there is no bad press" are adages older than I am, and for good reason.

Telling me that Neo Nazi Clown Club is active in my town doesn't protect or inform me of anything. It does let other fascist swine know that there are like minded villains around for them to metaphorically copulate with.


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5ci2wz wrote

> I am not going to debate it with you. This is not a debate. > I have told you the position of Reddit, wanting to crack down on hate, discrimination, and misinformation. And yes, my opinion happens to agree with that policy. > You can either respect it or leave or be banned for violating it. That's the benefit of free will. The choice is yours.


BoringAccountName78 t1_j5dxdp6 wrote

Nice to meet the newest moderator to ban me from a subreddit 🤣🤣🤣


UsedCollection5830 t1_j5cxla5 wrote

One thing for sure any talk about racism and people get annoyed I don't get how we solve the problem without open dialogue racist don't hide at all now but I kinda like it that way atleast I know who I'm dealing with.


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5d432u wrote

> One thing for sure any talk about racism and people get annoyed I don't get how we solve the problem without open dialogue racist don't hide at all now but I kinda like it that way atleast I know who I'm dealing with.

Something's is better discussed one on one in person. On the internet on a public forum or on social media, it just empowers them as they use it as a tool to recruit and promote their propaganda.

I think u/NativeMasshole said it nicely, so I'll quote them here:

> It's exactly what they want. It gives the hate groups free publicity. People on this sub were literally sharing their propaganda for them! Any time one of these assholes hangs a sign in public, it gets posted online for far more eyes to see it. It doesn't matter if you're doing it to hate on them. You think they've never been called mean names online before? They don't care, and it still spreads their message. What's more, how are we supposed to know that the propaganda isn't being posted by the hate groups themselves? I saw a goddamn rally invitation shared on this sub before the mods put a stop to the nonsense.


coldflame38 t1_j5cu8kd wrote

As a western mass boi. It's true, Linux is the best


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5cxh62 wrote

> As a western mass boi. It's true, Linux is the best

It's my operating system of choice. It's free without any adware, spyware, activation, or genuine advantage activation, plus no monthly or yearly subscription fees. I work, bank, shop, stream movies, and even game all on Linux.

My distribution of choice is EndeavourOS which is Arch Linux, but with newbies in mind. They have a Subreddit here r/EndeavourOS and their website has a friendly community support forum.


dante662 t1_j5eqa7v wrote

I've used both Ubuntu and Fedora/CentOS quite often, but never anything Arch Linux.


Any opinions on differences from the Debian/Fedora based distros?


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5hskms wrote

> Any opinions on differences from the Debian/Fedora-based distros?

Despite what the Debian community may say, I find Debian SID to be pretty solid. That's because SID is mostly sourced from all the independent developments without any Debian modifications or customization. It is Debian Testing that is more "alpha" (unstable) than SID, since SID is vanilla and often untouched, while Debian Testing is continuously modified and customized.

Fun fact, I have a working server in production running Debian SID, and it has done so, issue free, for nearly 8 years. Again, my theory is that because it is so vanilla and untouched (from the source), which is why it remains dependable.

For a desktop, which has a lot more components and dependencies, I still find it more toward my liking. I ran a desktop of Debian SID for 3 years, only needing to fix it once (1x). The issue at the time was GRUB and that was an issue with GRUB itself, as the bug impacted more than a few distributions (not just, Debian).

If you're looking for something out of the box and not looking to build everything up, then Siduction Linux, which is built around Debian SID, may be worth checking out.

My desktop interface of choice is KDE and LXQT. KDE was one of the first desktop interfaces for Linux (older than XFCE and Gnome). They've continued their development for decades and have really done a great job fine-tuning things. I used to be an XFCE fan, but I have switched to using LXQT, which is as light on resources but supports Wayland.

Fedora, eh? Every time I have ever tried to like Fedora, they've killed it for me. lol

The most recent issue was they killed off hardware acceleration support for H265 and H264 media codecs, which impacts video playback, streaming, broadcasting, and gaming. There is a "workaround" (now) through RPM Fusion, but it isn't guaranteed to last. Fedora is USA based and in America (as you know) you can patent software. It's why a development such as, for example, VLC Player, could never be developed here. And while certainly, the most recent issue is technically outside of Fedora's control, it is just another thing to add to the list of previous disappointments.

Which is a shame, I have to admit, until that happened, I would have tried to sell you on Fedora 37. lol But if you are a more advanced user, you can try, Nobara.

The Nobara Project is a modified version of Fedora Linux with user-friendly fixes added to it. The distribution comes with certain features that do not ship with the regular Fedora, such as WINE dependencies, OBS Studio, 3rd party codec packages for GStreamer, NVIDIA drivers, and some package fixes. Nobara's latest release is based on Fedora 37. My only reserve is it is a 1-man show, developing that project, and if you visit r/NobaraProject here on Reddit, you can get a good understanding of when things go wrong, they go wrong. It's still worth watching the progress, though, as it does show some promise. I am hoping as the development matures and perhaps if more people contribute, it will be worth giving it a true try.


billyrayvalentine1 t1_j5dd5xn wrote

Good to have a Happy Valley resident representing. Welcome!


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5ddca5 wrote

> Good to have a Happy Valley resident representing. Welcome!

Thank you, and it's good to see you've been an awesome member for 6 years. Keep it up.


Elecrockcity t1_j5cq3pw wrote

I hope to see some changes in terms of the echo chamber status that this sub has developed.


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5csajq wrote

> I hope to see some changes in terms of the echo chamber status that this sub has developed.

I love participating in a wide range of discussions. I have no control over what other people think, feel, or say (within the rules).

But my opinions are my own, and I can separate them from being a member -vs- a moderator. I like debating, so even if people disagree with me, it is welcome.


Anra7777 t1_j5ezw7h wrote

Welcome! Glad to hear that hate won’t be tolerated here.


chevyadsict83 t1_j5hd3rx wrote

And anyone that doesn't lean left


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5hp4m5 wrote

> And anyone that doesn't lean left

I think it is unfair to assume everyone who leans toward the right politically is automatically racist or homophobic, filled with hate. I may not always agree with conservative people, but that does not automatically mean they are all bad people.


chevyadsict83 t1_j5i4zi7 wrote

Social media (including Reddit) is a privilege, not a right

I am a guest here. We all are. We do not own the website. It's a lot like being a guest at someone's home. You follow the rules and if you cannot, you leave (or are removed).

> [ Removed by Reddit ] > This post was removed by Reddit. > Reddit administrators occasionally remove posts that violate Reddit's User Agreement and Content Policy .

When I see this (example, above) in any of my Subreddit that I volunteer to help manage, I see this was a "red flag" and it tells me you were doing something you shouldn't have. And as a guest, you should have been following the rules. But also as a guest, I too should uphold the rules presented.

So while the admin may not have chosen to ban you, I will. Because my Subreddit is a small room, that the owner of the house has let me use. I don't want that space associated with bad people with bad manners, who are not respecting the rules of the house.

So while I may not know exactly what you posted or did, I do not need to know. All I need to know is someone higher up was displeased with how things were going, and that's good enough for me.

I digress. We are all guests here. It's a privilege, not a right, to be here.

This post got me the most. I got a comment block because I suggested a greasy breakfast as a hangover cure. Admin removed and banned. I pmed, and found from him that he had never heard of it, and thought I was trolling, even though I wasn't. You seem too quick to shoot from the hip, and more of a liability than an asset. I can quote other stuff if you would like. But this made me nervous.


phantompenis2 t1_j5f111p wrote

-comes in to tell everyone what a benevolent leader they will be

-gets into long arguments in several threads

-will not hesitate to ban people

sunday funday on the local sub


SkiZer0 t1_j5d73tp wrote

Wow you are a hero just like Spiderman


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5d7wrx wrote

> Wow you are a hero just like Spiderman

2 nights of no sleep and it took me a while to understand your comment. Damn, now the title seems so cheesy. lol


DoodMonkey t1_j5csog5 wrote



Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5ctn1x wrote

> Welcome

9 years on Reddit, eh? Thanks for being an awesome member.


OkayAstronaut7 t1_j5d2pnf wrote

Post history stalk much? Bad redditquette


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5d3f63 wrote

> Post history stalk much? Bad redditquette

As a moderator, I don't have to visit your profile to know how long anyone has been on Reddit. I can see it right here when I hover my mouse over your username.

You, for example, have been a member for 2 hours. You already have 1 post removed from the logs. -- So no, I don't have to view people's history, just hover my mouse over your username.


pertante t1_j5eminz wrote

Any recommendations for computer parts shops out your way?


SpecterCody t1_j5fk5j2 wrote

Welcome from a fellow Western MA guy. We do exist.


stdaro t1_j5fzhwt wrote

Is there anywhere in the pioneer valley/greenfield area I can get a decent shawarma or halal chicken and rice?


chickadeedadee2185 t1_j5cxqy0 wrote

Thank you for taking this on.


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5d2dd0 wrote

> Thank you for taking this on.

Thank you for being an awesome member for the past 2 years.


[deleted] t1_j5d0pyi wrote

This the same mod that was deleting people for calling drag queens who want to read to little kids pedophiles?


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5d1u46 wrote

> This the same mod that was deleting people for calling drag queens who want to read to little kids pedophiles?

Being a member of the LGBTQ+ community does not make someone a pedophile. People who promote that propaganda are homophobic. Neither homophobia nor bigotry has a place here, as they are not welcome.

YES, anyone who promotes that type of misinformation and homophobic propaganda will be removed.


SouthShoreSerenade t1_j5eotjf wrote

Those people should be banned.


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5ezmp0 wrote

> Those people should be banned.

They banned. We will not support or provide comfort for individuals who promote bigotry or homophobia.


BoringAccountName78 t1_j5jtnwf wrote

Calling an entire group of people "pedophiles" is wrong and I understand why they might get booted.

However, I think we need to be open enough to debate whether it's a good idea to have drag queen story hours in local libraries or schools. That could be a good discussion as long as we keep from straying into the "crude stereotypes" territory.

I think the same can be said about discussions regarding race, crime, depression or anything else that occurs in the commonwealth.


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5jve0a wrote

Sure, if you can have that discussion without implying that you are grooming people or introducing them to pedophiles or sex workers, you can have that discussion respectfully.

That said, I have yet to see anyone be able to have such a conversation that is not rooted in bigotry or homophobia and the stereotypes associated.


IncidentFar3094 t1_j5cpwn0 wrote

Thank you for your service!


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5cryjj wrote

> Thank you for your service!

Thank you for being a good member here for 2 years.


sthenaire t1_j5cx8sk wrote

Sounds like if you don’t agree with left leaning bs you’ll get booted. Pretty sure I saw that happening first hand in a few discussions recently.


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5d1cpv wrote

> Sounds like if you don’t agree with left leaning bs you’ll get booted. Pretty sure I saw that happening first hand in a few discussions recently.

Bigotry and homophobia are neither left nor right nor moderate, it's inhuman. If you support bigotry or homophobia, you have no place here. It's that simple.

Beyond that, disagree with me and anyone else you wish. I like having discussions and do not mind hearing opposing views. Sometimes you can learn a thing or two, perhaps even teach a thing or two, when speaking with someone respectfully and discussing topics in a civilized manner.

I think as of late, that's been the problem. People have sometimes forgotten to be civil and respectful. If you check my post history, I actually recently removed a post I agreed with, because while I agreed with them, they went well beyond making their point, by calling people's names. You can find that post here, from 5 hours ago: