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DBLJ33 t1_j5ma090 wrote

47 and rain on Thursday. I’ll wait.


hour_of_the_rat t1_j5mxiir wrote

Last week, so many people in this sub were saying "There's still plenty of time for snow to come and accumulate."

Yeah, it might snow, but it will warm up a few days afterwards, or we'll get precipitation in the form of rain. No lakes / ponds are freezing over; skiing, snowshoeing, dogsledding--never even had a season.


AboyNamedBort t1_j5p0hs2 wrote

It snowed yesterday and is going to snow tomorrow. Winter nuts are never happy.


hour_of_the_rat t1_j5peh0j wrote

>Winter nuts are never happy.

Fuck that.

What we want is for temps to stay below zero for weeks at a time--like it used to be. What we have is rain, rain, snow, high temps, melt.


closerocks t1_j5pi0pp wrote

and if you can't kill ticks with fire, kill then with deep persistent cold. with this kind of winter, ticks just sent their alarm clock for mid February.


hour_of_the_rat t1_j5piq8k wrote

Was a time when tickets weren't north of southern CT because Winter temps kept them out.