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t1_j5k1h9k wrote

It’s a credit against your tax liability, not your tax refund.


OP t1_j5k2wdv wrote

Ok thanks for your respond. Do you know if there is any rebate that I can apply?


t1_j5k3y6y wrote

There is MA’s mor-EV rebate. The model Y qualifies for a $3500 rebate, which is not related to what you pay in taxes.


OP t1_j5kcm2s wrote

Thank you, that’s helpful. Do we have more rebate like California have?


t1_j5koa9s wrote

The only EV rebate from MA is MOR-EV linked above. If you have National Grid electric and charge from home, they also have a marginal discount for charging off-peak (something like -$0.03/kWhr charging off peak). My car (I5) and my charger aren’t eligible, so I have no experience with this new program, though. I used their similar “smart connect” pilot program with my Prius, and honestly the discount wasn’t really worth the inconvenience of setting up specific charge times and enrolling in the program. It’s like $5 off an electric bill per month max.


OP t1_j5l0nyl wrote

So I might no enroll their discount program. Thanks for sharing with me


t1_j5m3th1 wrote

No problem. If you plan on charging off peak regardless, it might be worth it for you to go through that process, as the model Y does qualify for it. You’d have to do the math, figure out how much you’d be saving, and determine whether it’s worth the time and convenience.