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t1_j6j4r7p wrote



t1_j6jg263 wrote

Wonder what people would ever do without social media and GoFundMe... you're looking at 100-150K for legal fees for murder.....


t1_j6j5bwl wrote

imagine if a black woman did it


t1_j6j8uwv wrote

Ok I am imagining. Alright, I’ve got it. It would be the exact same tragedy, and be equally as sad. Just the people would be black. That is all.


t1_j6j9qof wrote

It would be equally as sad, yes. But would the GoFundMe be up to 900k? I'm guessing that was the point of the question.


t1_j6jaapy wrote

That’s literally free money given by random donators that subsequently, nobody is entitled to. Who gives a shit about a hypothetical disparity? Are you gonna campaign for white people to donate money to black go fund mes? This isn’t a shot at you, just a shot at the idea that a fundraiser for a private (almost dead) person holds any kind of racist context.

Yes, you could make that point. And I would imagine you are right. But 1), it’s not worth talking about, 2) we can’t do anything about it 3) humans naturally flock to their tribe (financially/social class, race, religion). I don’t wanna circle jerk about how a black family wouldn’t receive the same funding, because it has jack shit to do with what really happened.

You’re literally shooting down the kindness of random strangers trying to make sure the husband is taken care of, and the deceased receive a proper burial. We’re thinking about dad here, and potentially rehabilitating the mother, however long that takes. It’s honestly gross to turn this into a race thing.

Oh, no! I’m a racist for my opinions! The people messaging me definitely aren’t a bunch of white internet prowlers who interact with people of color with white gloves.


t1_j6jbx4l wrote

Your comment makes me so tired...I wish I had your energy. So mainly I'm not going to respond. But I just wanted to pull out what I feel is the most important bit, which is:

>3) humans naturally flock to their tribe (financially/social class, race, religion).

You're a bigot, and not worth my or anyone else's time. Have a nice day.


t1_j6je1c3 wrote

You’re right. I’m a bigot. Me personally putting thousands of dollars into supporting education reform in Western Massachusetts communities and actually putting my feet on the ground with habitat for humanity in Springfield is bigoted. The fuck have you done to better the disparaged communities and social structures that you’re speaking on?

Literally spend any time around someone who’s trying to pull themselves out of Section 8 or generations of leeching family members. They’ll also tell you’re focusing on the little things for the sake of argument instead of enacting change with action.


t1_j6jjynv wrote

This dude needs to go outside.


t1_j6jn3fm wrote

He’s also the kind of dude to say “you’re either right or left” instead of actually talking about things in a way where a valid compromise is the end goal. I couldn’t imagine going to a discussion board to hardside. It’s entirely contradictory. A whole family internally torn apart and (mostly) murdered shouldn’t be a race discussion. That’s someone who wants to be right wherever they can.

I would also like to point out that I’m 19. Imagine getting politically eviscerated by a tiny man-child. Slathering a bunch of words around the internet like a macaroni finger-painting.


t1_j6j8jrv wrote
