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Saftigerkeks t1_ja5skkp wrote

The phrase should have indicates a missed obligation or opportunity in the past. In informal speech, it is contracted to should’ve, not "should of."

You should have (should’ve) called me!

You should of called me!

I should have (should’ve) known you were lying.

I should of known you were lying.

Tom and Pauline are so selfish, they should have (should’ve) been there for you.

Tom and Pauline are so selfish, they should of been there for you.

Should have should never be written "should of." However, the latter does exist: when should is followed by an expression that begins with of.

You should, of course, compare prices.

Past: You should, of course, have compared prices.

He should, of his own will, do the right thing.

Past: He should, of his own will, have done the right thing.


chopper678 t1_ja6nho2 wrote

I see this constantly and never bother to correct


TheRealGouki t1_ja5u4i7 wrote

Well maybe you shouldn't suck so much dick 😎


chopper678 t1_ja6nt2c wrote

That's 'bout the dumbest response ever, for your sake I hope this is one of the comments you think back on in 10 years and cringe and not a behavior you carry into adulthood


TheRealGouki t1_ja7blcb wrote

The dumbest response is a 100 word comment to some dude on a joke post about the proper punctuation. I know it's not right I dont care. I dont need some smartass making absorptions about me.


chopper678 t1_ja7lzwk wrote

I don't even know what an absorption is in this context but if you didn't like his comment don't worry about it

If you know it's wrong it literally doesn't matter. Don't refuse to speak right in spite of him lol