
chopper678 t1_ja6nm8l wrote

I see this all the time but don't correct people because I think it would make them feel stupid and awkward

Because why do people say things that don't make any sense to them, unless it is a known phrase whose meaning has aged out, like still using the floppy disk symbol for save


chopper678 t1_j3qmcuq wrote

You will always hear controversial issues floating around without turning on "the news" and then if you care, you research it.

To form a stance, you take your opinions and beliefs about the topic and try to poke holes in them, analyze critically, go and find other perspectives.

If you can poke holes, then you figure out why and reform the stance until it's as airtight as you can make it, or you acknowledge where you're still short and work on it over time.

All this can be done without watching the news.


chopper678 t1_j3pl2al wrote

First, identify what your views/morals/principles are.

Then, critically analyze them and find the leaks. Dig into where you're weak or unsure and evaluate or change your stance until it is airtight.

Any time you receive new information, repeat.

This way, you'll be prepared to defend your convictions when the time comes.


Try to break into your own house, make it more secure and repeat until you can't find any more ways to do so.


chopper678 t1_j3pkn25 wrote

I don't watch the news because it presents negative topics I can do nothing about.

The important stuff that I can influence I will usually hear about without watching the news and at that point I can decide what to do about it.

To be truly informed anyway takes research beyond the news which I can still do.