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t1_je89kxm wrote

"As a result of Secretary Foster's careful historical research on the subject, the House of Representative's Committee on Revision of the Laws had ruled in 1902 that "the United States" should be treated as singular, not plural."

It's "The US is" not "The US are"


t1_je8kt1h wrote

Depends if you mean US as the singular country or the US as in the american states plural and then are is correct


t1_je8ah2k wrote

Oh no OP misgendered Dumbfuxkistan


t1_je8ap0c wrote

Dumbfuckistan, you plebe.


t1_je8b8q2 wrote

Censored myself for fuxk sake


t1_je8bojc wrote

The Earth is the third planet from the sun, it mean that every country in the World is a third World country.


t1_je8axvc wrote

Prove you wrong? These designations were created during the Cold War to classify soviet (second world) anti-soviet (first world) and neutral (third world) countries. America, by definition, is first world. It isn't an economic or number of issues type system as many misinterpreted it to be.


t1_je8bnf1 wrote

Do Americans walk down to the river or to a town well to get their washing/bathing/drinking water and carry it home?

Do American children spend 16 hours in the fields using burlap sacks to haul cocao for 2 dollars a day?

Do American girls get routinely sold into slavery or married before puberty?

Do American boys get taken from their families before puberty and forced to fight and kill people for no other reason then they are from a different town?

Uh oh, careful American your privilege is showing.


t1_je8fjuv wrote

Oooh those last 3 do happen here. And there's plenty of places without clean water in this country, so yeah. All of these happen here.


t1_je8kxi5 wrote

You dont go to a river but many drive to a laundromat Because americans dont even have their own washing machines

Many american kids go hungry Because there is No free school lunch


t1_je9bolf wrote

drive to a laundromat instead of beating clothes with rocks on a riverbank for hours at a time.

Over 2 million babies starve to DEATH each year, you say 3 dollar school lunches are just as bad.

Your ignorance to your wealth and privilege is offensive.


t1_je8c0uo wrote

I assume you've never been to a third world country.


OP t1_je8c7u1 wrote

I've been, smells horrible for some reason.


t1_je8cj4a wrote

So you've seen what true poverty and government corruption does to people. How does the US classify as a third world nation?


OP t1_je8cvua wrote

Becoming one, it's getting worse with time. Tons of dumb laws against humanity getting voted and a lot of people struggling that the gov won't help

My post is a meme, I'm not dead serious on it. It's just a very bad first world country if you understand it more that way


t1_je8elhh wrote

It’s not funny so I don’t think it succeeds at being a meme, and it failed to even get your point across so why even post it.


t1_je8whfs wrote

the US is just 50 third world countries in a trench coat with a military budget big enough to fight God and have a chance at succeeding


t1_je8aokb wrote

The US: NYC, LA, Vegas, Atlanta, Chicago, Phoenix, Houston, millionaires, large middle class

Ethiopia: Addis Ababa, farmland, civil war, weak and small middle class


t1_je89448 wrote

A 3rd world country with 1st world problems


OP t1_je89foh wrote

Welp having problems involving their own people killing themselves doesn't sounds like 1st world ones


t1_je8bw2b wrote

It clearly is a first world problem as the US is in the same suicide percentage grouping as other 1st world countries, and clearly it’s only going to get worse, as Japan one of the most developed countries if not the most is entering a period of low birth rate, high suicide, and an aging population. With other countries showing a similar trend, as they become more developed. Suicide is clearly a 1st world problem, as many underdeveloped countries have low suicide rates compared to more developed countries, so next time pick a better example such as the appalling criminal justice system which is most definitely can be argued as a third world problem, or shitty politicians.


t1_je89t0h wrote

We have the most millionaires in the world.


t1_je8aq50 wrote

Yes I get that it's being hyperbolic and the us is far from a third world country, but with that said the us is definitely one of the worse first world countries.


t1_je8c4pp wrote

People say this while also saying they're privileged. Not saying you do this OP


t1_je8fsmy wrote

Well other than world's largest and most powerful military, holding all other countries funds forcing them to go by a dollar standard, and the fact that we aren't starving to death or dying of dehydration and disease like oh I don't know name any country from west Africa to middle Asia. So no, that's like calling the spoiled rich kid poor and I hope this is just a meme or you might be more autistic than me.


t1_jea7ww1 wrote

Op doesn't have neighbors from Africa that tell how their mom that broke their hip has to hobble around without insurance.


t1_je8a0wa wrote

Technically we’re 50, third world countries with a military budget bigger than God.


t1_je8s3ta wrote

Mom told me not to argue with an idiot.

So I won't even try


t1_je8tbrx wrote

So basically you tried a bit.


t1_je8tg6p wrote

I wanted at first.. But then I realized that I'm on an off-brand 4chan and there's no point.

Enjoy being wrong, though!
