
lifeaintsocool t1_je8axvc wrote

Prove you wrong? These designations were created during the Cold War to classify soviet (second world) anti-soviet (first world) and neutral (third world) countries. America, by definition, is first world. It isn't an economic or number of issues type system as many misinterpreted it to be.


lifeaintsocool t1_jc5w6ls wrote

Struggled with this my whole life. Melatonin, sleep meds, you name it, don't work.

One thing that has worked for me though is to trick my mind into thinking I'm taking a nap. Like I'll get off work, and then I'll go hit the bed with my lights still on immediately. No shower, no teeth brushing, no food. Kind of trick my mind into believing that I'm not "sleeping" but rather just taking a short nap. Usually get about 6 hours of sleep this way. Gives me a chance to clean up in the AM and eat a bunch/hydrated etc.


lifeaintsocool t1_j7yh1f8 wrote

Well, despite people's general lack of know-how in the first world, we have libraries spread out in every city with more knowledge in them than in any era before us so we'd automatically have a leg up on ancient times. Once the panic settled, we'd probably just be in a slightly more advanced industrial revolution era.


lifeaintsocool t1_j6h4nnz wrote

While there's not a ton you can do if it isn't in your genetic cards, the biggest thing you can do is make sure you eat a healthy and balanced diet and exercise. Lots of protein and greens to make sure you have the building blocks to grow. Most people get another little growth spurt between 17 and 21 so you've got a bit more time.


lifeaintsocool t1_iybr55m wrote

Look up the definition of art. You'll find that skills/imagination are a requirement for art but talent is not. Don't have to answer but are you an artist?


lifeaintsocool t1_iyboeq9 wrote

This is ridiculous. Art is heavily skill based. It comes from within but without a medium of expression it is useless. Art lessons are not a scam in tons of cases. How on earth are you suppose to learn how to paint, sculp, draw, play music etc. without someone teaching you? Are people suppose to share their skills for free? No.