Submitted by rohanstan69 t3_z8n28o in memes
dopeking404 t1_iycaih9 wrote
takes amazon echo instead
[deleted] t1_iycalgg wrote
2cunty4you t1_iycamnb wrote
I'm an old bastard and have a boombox in my bathroom to listen to the radio while I shower...
john-Marston02 t1_iycantw wrote
Careless-Stranger111 t1_iycaxo3 wrote
No_Library7326 t1_iycb2ri wrote
I newer take my phone to shower, also had to live without hot water for like 1 or 2 months. That shit is easy AF
Brakina1860 t1_iycb2tn wrote
What station?
2cunty4you t1_iycb5xa wrote
Either, the Throwback Hip Hop Station or NPR. It entirely depends on my mood.
Ok_Attention_ t1_iycbcd0 wrote
1_d0nt_care_ t1_iycbcpy wrote
I dont do that
Brakina1860 t1_iycbgvu wrote
Cool. I checked it out and put the Throwback on my list. Is the NPR the one in Washington?
2cunty4you t1_iycbkse wrote
NPR is National Public Radio, so It's talk radio for everyone. Check your local station FM broadcast my dude.
Significant_Basis_3 t1_iycbysf wrote
What if someone like me never took it?
Brakina1860 t1_iyccjl0 wrote
I'm in Germany. I have an internetradioapp. I need some good stations for riding the Bus/train. I'll check the throwback one out
MegaFartz t1_iycd73q wrote
lukhomdingi t1_iycdadt wrote
For how long do you shower that you need some entertainment?
BoogalooBandit1 t1_iycdhyt wrote
I take 5 minute showers without music and 15 with this is easy
DragonbornWizard85 t1_iycdigw wrote
Singing in the shower without music is better, im sorry, you can just make it up as you go...
TheInternetCritic t1_iycdigq wrote
Y'all take your phones to the bathroom?
Frea_kingweeb t1_iycdvvz wrote
Not a problem
TurtleMolesterr t1_iycdx2t wrote
I prefer listening to the water. Never crossed my mind to that
Sept11Enjoyer t1_iycdy2i wrote
I buy cheap androids because they're superior in almost every way to flagships
But they're not waterproof so that's that discussion ended
Also im one of THOSE people who don't like other people hearing what I listen to soooo yeah (turn down your volume on your shitty airpods on the bus please, everyone can hear that shit, get over ears)
ProfessionalRetard-9 t1_iyceddy wrote
You guys do that? I shower in complete silence.
piedude670 t1_iyceti3 wrote
I never do that so okay
Hussienberg t1_iycghse wrote
fr i never understood why
TheMildGunman t1_iych5qp wrote
I'll be honest with you, I didn't know that was an option. I knew that drinking beer in the shower was an option, but not music.
nicobellocq t1_iychc94 wrote
Am i the only one who never put the music in the shower?
szagrat545 t1_iyci6tq wrote
AdPlenty7253 t1_iyciobw wrote
Ez I don't even listen to music don't want the ghost to catch me lackin gotta be alert at all times
coolpotatoe724 t1_iycm5j3 wrote
why would I listen to music, I wouldn't be able to hear the Intrusive thoughts
Responsible_Unit53 t1_iycmodz wrote
Can’t relate, don’t do that
HolyFuggISawAPenis t1_iycqin5 wrote
On god I do 10-15 minutes and leave my phone to charge. I've never used my phone for music. Is this something people do regularly
Sentient_twig t1_iycr0my wrote
Why the fuck do people take their phones with them to shower??? Is that just a normal thing???
Glory_Or_Bust t1_iycsqg6 wrote
People take their phones into the shower?
King_Brilliant66 t1_iyctvfy wrote
Only narcissists take phone into shower.Shit scared their partners will discover they are fucking a bunch of other people
prochnost1 t1_iycuq7s wrote
How am i supposed to take a shit without my phone? Lol
matO_oppreal t1_iycuuuu wrote
That’s easy tbh
Shay_otter t1_iycxfov wrote
A_Word_Bearer t1_iycy1gz wrote
That's easy. I never take my phone with me when going for a shower. Could get wet
_FowlPlay_ t1_iycy4fg wrote
So, just shower normally?
_FowlPlay_ t1_iycy78s wrote
I honestly don't know about you mate, but I'd rather not be in there longer than I have to be. Shit stinks.
YouGetMadEasy t1_iyd0b45 wrote
Good I use mine to watch movies in there 😉 I still get to bring my phone
Low-Cockroach7962 t1_iyd0tiv wrote
By reading the labels of literally everything within grabbing distance
Justus_Maxus t1_iyd0zsd wrote
Bro I be sitting there for like 30 minutes without music ngl…
Vegetable-Shoe7574 t1_iyd12yl wrote
Why need a phone when you can play the song in your head?
xgfuuiyutccciuy t1_iyd4w7c wrote
Easy so easy
Shlong-donger t1_iyd723j wrote
In case someone calls me, yes
No_Engineer2828 t1_iyd7829 wrote
Ohno anyway
Minimum_Courage9922 t1_iyd8pyk wrote
Easiest task in history
DerKnoedel t1_iyd9fws wrote
Who the fuck showers with music
Parking_Cartoonist90 t1_iyd9ke3 wrote
Wait you guys actually listen to music while in the shower?
I thought it was a joke
DanTheMan_117 t1_iydag7v wrote
For music? You lot listen to music when having a shower ?? I just put a timer on my phone so i don't use gallons of water
ceesaar00 t1_iyddemh wrote
Apparently they do.
Lazy_Tea_3127 t1_iydder9 wrote
I never do 🤷♂️
KazimirJ t1_iyde8x6 wrote
2 songs usually, 3 when i’m slow
IregullarMonster730 t1_iydgoia wrote
Sure, ima just drink some warm water for 2 hours.
BelgischeAardappel t1_iydgun3 wrote
I sometimes use it to get an idea of how much time I've spent in there, generally 1 song is enough, and it's the same one every time
possibly-a-moron t1_iydhd96 wrote
You guys do that?
ninjachishimba t1_iydhk6y wrote
I’m with you there!! Standard would usually be 2-3 songs, if I’m washing my hair like 5. It really is a great way to measure time spent in there
ninjachishimba t1_iydhvhn wrote
You see that’s the trick, it’s at least over 9000 times more hype when your blasting your fav playlist while singing along
aman_shami t1_iydk4sl wrote
i never use phone in shower so this should be easy for me
ContractElectronic25 t1_iydlbmd wrote
What are you eating bro?
hamsandwichandpork t1_iydlpez wrote
Ya'll are the reason Africa is so dry
Solid-Brother-1439 t1_iydlwe2 wrote
Always found it disgusting. You just keep there breathing a shit load of fecal coliforms. Just take your shit and move on.
prochnost1 t1_iydmehx wrote
Man i dont take long to shit because i carry my phone
I carry my phone because i cant shit in 30 seconds and i cant look to the wall for 15 minutes
Solid-Brother-1439 t1_iydnol1 wrote
Oh, in this case it makes perfect sense to bring your phone haha. My bad.
Herefor_the_porn t1_iydo549 wrote
Yes, but for other reasons…
Umbertron05 t1_iydrrhp wrote
Take the laptop
General_Zera t1_iyds1mn wrote
The perfect shower for me is sitting in the shower with hot water in the complete dark and silence. Enjoying the peace and quiet in the moment as i just hear, feel, think.
That_boi_Jerry t1_iydui1t wrote
Y'all need music to take a shower?
Gamingbear_2o t1_iydutjy wrote
Who uses their phone to listen to music whilw taking a shower?
BigCheese_333 t1_iyduu9y wrote
How the heck do you do this?!
The only way you could hear it over the water is if you have is super loud, but then your family will complain.
I listen to music during everything and I just take a normal shower.
EpicRedditUser11 t1_iyduuk5 wrote
Easy money
jahajajpaj t1_iydw22l wrote
”Cannot fathom” what the hell is wrong with people now, if you even take your phone to the shower, when do you relax your brain? People can’t even walk with their kids without a phone, it’s ridiculous
theetoebandit t1_iydwk1f wrote
I already shower with no music
KaranSjett t1_iydxj61 wrote
wait, yall take your phone with you when showering?
iDennisTv t1_iydzat4 wrote
Easy for me
JoshMcGill_ t1_iye0sb6 wrote
How long are you all taking in the shower tf I'm in and out of there in 10 mins
Ultimategreyjedi1234 t1_iye0sh7 wrote
I already do that, this is an easy challenge
ma055 t1_iye1150 wrote
I shower 30 min and only entertainmemt is my deep thoughts
jayblaze521 t1_iye1gsl wrote
How about no Scott!!
thebigjuicyman25 t1_iye1j2w wrote
Wait, people shower with music?
adequatequality t1_iye1wkz wrote
People's attention span has been destroyed to the point where they can't even perform basic necessities without distractions
BloodMoonWillows t1_iye1zo5 wrote
Same here
Listless_Reprobate t1_iye5s5d wrote
It’s the perfect time to process difficult memories..
ma055 t1_iye5vps wrote
And try to find will to live
Dear_Train_7517 t1_iye62ge wrote
ImNotKingVictor t1_iye7998 wrote
I've never done this, and I reckon I won't ever do it.
Kazoomers_Tale t1_iyealn6 wrote
(Starts singing Naruto openings)
DEFAULT_HUMAN_NO-6 t1_iyebx13 wrote
turns on shower for white noise
A_German_Memer t1_iyee6eg wrote
Definitely an "old bastard" with good taste, I'll give ya that.
RustedRuss t1_iyeefll wrote
Literally never used my phone for anything in the shower
Commercial-Dog6773 t1_iyeib6l wrote
You guys can hear the music over the shower?
TrashyDeviate t1_iyeii5a wrote
Hi, phone repair technician here, you shouldn’t do that regardless! The hot water mixing with the cold air creates moisture and get into everything including your “waterproof” phone. This may not result in immediate negative results but will trip the water detector sticker inside the phone and void your warranty and overtime will damage the phone.
Valuable_Purchase_45 t1_iyej8xn wrote
I do it all the time so I win
BirdieBronze t1_iyej9q4 wrote
I honestly take my whole ass Amazon Alexa in there sometimes
TheVoidRunner t1_iyelhx3 wrote
Showering in silence is the best.
Sokromatrix t1_iyelyp6 wrote
This may be unhealthy, but I try to shit for 1 minute and then stop and save the rest for tomorrow so I don't waste time shitting. This doesn't hurt and is really easy. Just when everything comes out well I shit for like 2-4 minutes.
Felinegood13 t1_iyemxgs wrote
Me: remembers I forgot my phone after getting into the shower
[Task Completed]
98Science t1_iyeoyx5 wrote
Sensitive_Pepper3337 t1_iyepjqf wrote
I heard about taking phone in toilet, bit in the shower too? That's.... weird
Rawesome16 t1_iyethwn wrote
Twice a day easy peasy. Shower time is day dreaming time
CrystaldrakeIr t1_iyeu77l wrote
Bruh you take your phones into shower ?! Talk about phone addiction !
Caffeinated_Cucumber t1_iyewxaw wrote
I didn't realize people actually do this :/
MT_Tyrannosaur t1_iyf1olt wrote
I didn't know people did that.
MT_Tyrannosaur t1_iyf1pd4 wrote
I didn't know people did that.
ChiefBlox4000 t1_iyf29f7 wrote
Wait I don’t do that
superduper1321 t1_iyf48j2 wrote
Who the fuck does this?
hornystoner737 t1_iyf4tux wrote
Booooo hissss boooo
TornadoTaco_ t1_iyf5nsk wrote
Wait who brings their phone to the shower? Isn’t that dangerous, like, what if your phone gets wet
JaxTheCrafter t1_iyf629q wrote
wait people do this?
NyanAnomalyRetriever t1_iyf6f1x wrote
godverseSans t1_iyf7tyr wrote
Yes my cousin does
DClassAmogus t1_iyf88ye wrote
ju5t_a_turtl3 t1_iyf8fqs wrote
DudeManBroGuy42069 t1_iyf9xzd wrote
I never listen to music in the shower
WeirdMeatinSpace t1_iyfbdhv wrote
Can i still take nudes?
AnythingAlfred613 t1_iyfcqt3 wrote
Me who never does that and settles with the scenarios I make up in my head:
I see no god up here
Lemia-chan t1_iyfdyvu wrote
You guys need a challenge to do that?
DaytonaArch t1_iycaic1 wrote
also with cold ice water!!!!