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SpelingBeeChamipon t1_jabarhv wrote

The Mafia has really fallen on hard times. Can’t afford horse heads like they used to.


appendixgallop t1_jab20dv wrote

I have an eagle roost in one of the Douglas Fir trees in my yard. Lots of eagle feathers, poops, dropped snacks every year. Two years ago they dismembered a duck and spread the unpleasant parts all over my lawn. Duck feet are odd.


JustASt0ry t1_jac0bge wrote

Are you allowed to keep eagle feathers, or are they protected?


appendixgallop t1_jacwavr wrote

They are protected; tribal members can keep them. I believe you can get permission through the local tribe or US Attorney to keep them. Most of the feathers here are tail feathers pulled out by rude gangs of crows.


BeTheBeee t1_jaddaev wrote

I'm confused, why wouldn't you be allowed to keep random feathers that landed in your garden?


15brutus t1_jaddkul wrote

Because that opens up a market for the trade of them and poachers be poachers would be my guess.


Saintviscious t1_jaccuq0 wrote

Depends on the type of eagle I do believe

Some google-fu tells me it's all eagle feathers, so don't touch them folks!


Zkenny13 t1_jace5f1 wrote

Just for the record for everyone. If you find any eagle feathers in the US at a park do not pick them up. Leave them alone.


Saintviscious t1_jach9eg wrote

Personally, I'd have no idea if it was or wasn't one lol, but just like I tell my kids; "Don't touch it, you don't know what disease it has!"


marathonflorida t1_jaciiw1 wrote

"You see why that feather fell off the bird?! IT HAS GANGRENE! DISCINTEGRATED IN MID-FLIGHT! Don't touch it, you wanna start Covid-23? . . . . little shit."


Saintviscious t1_jacm5c2 wrote

Hey, were you recording me?


marathonflorida t1_jades2z wrote

My kid cracks me up. She is always bringing me feathers and rocks or moss. I am pretty sure she has brought me scat a few times.


friendlytotbot t1_jadjuvl wrote

What would they do if they found out you kept one? Arrest you? Do they have cops on standby ready to write a ticket for picking up a feather?


saggytestis t1_jacmgy9 wrote

This is really one of those things that makes absolutely no sense to me. I understand not screwing with the birds, but a can't even have one of my countries national birds feathers I found on the ground which rightfully makes it mine? Come on now


rndmcmmntr t1_jacnzec wrote

Probably because as soon as people start wearing or collecting eagles' feathers it'll have people start thinking about killing them to sell the feathers. It's sick but it would definitely happen.


oroborus68 t1_jaecarg wrote

It definitely did happen. The feather trade around 1900 almost drove some birds to extinction.


RevengencerAlf t1_jacy1oy wrote

The issue is while there's no solid reason to specifically stop people from collecting feathers that fall off birds or other body parts that come from animals that either died naturally or didn't die at all there's no easy way to separate it from the ones that did.


littletinyvoid t1_jacpln2 wrote

No one said that. Just random stupid shit Redditors want to gatekeep. Go get your some feathers! 🇺🇸


balid-hair t1_jaaz5jl wrote

Bro had a irl Jurassic park moment


random-comment-drop t1_jaazjun wrote

A little extra protein boost to help get you through the day.


Adam_is_Nutz t1_jabeqab wrote

I once found a dog leg in my back yard. It was incredibly disturbing not only cuz it's a fucking dogs leg, but it looked exactly like my dog's leg. I had to run to her and make sure she was okay. No clue where it came from. I had privacy fences at the time and the neighbors didn't have any white dogs. maybe a hawk or something?


rndmcmmntr t1_jacoa6h wrote

That is incredibly fucked up and would have me feeling really weird for a while.


Adam_is_Nutz t1_jadsvdb wrote

I was uneasy for at least a week or two. I put it in a zip lock bag and threw it in my garbage can. The trash truck didn't come for a few more days. Every day I was thinking someone would find it and accuse me of maiming their dog or something. Like should I have called the cops? Do I put up posters saying "found your dog....kinda" ? I really had no clue what to do in that situation.


elpechos t1_jacnxv2 wrote

Criminy. I wouldn't have felt right for two days after that.


Thedrunner2 t1_jab3dm4 wrote

Someone’s sending you a message


RCT2man t1_jabvs8p wrote

But can we try and guess the animal?


skinneyd t1_jac7dg5 wrote

Judging by the overall size, number of toes and orientation of bones; Closest I can get is "a small rodent", probably a juvenile based on the lack of fur, and pink colour.

Most likely a Rat or a Squirrel, probably not a mole with those claws..

Just guesstimating here

Edit: Here's a picture of a baby Squirrel, those back feet look pretty similiar

Definitely too short toes to be a Rat

Edit 2: My guess is that a bird snatched a baby Squirrel and either had to fight another bird for the loot and dropped some while they were at it, or the bird was interrupted while dining and dropped some of their meal while trying to relocate.


fatdiscokid420 t1_jabspm9 wrote

It will grant you three wishes but in ways that turn out to be unexpected and tragic


ty10drope t1_jab6ckz wrote

If there's some red brick dust on your threshold, well. . . I hope your affairs are in order.


Takuma255 t1_jabftx4 wrote

1st post in 17 months that accurately fit the subreddit, we did it guys! Thanks, OP!

Hope you can sleep at night without dreaming of this appendage.


Tainwulf t1_jab9w3r wrote

It's a warning and a threat. Lock your windows tonight extra tight.


Jsnooots t1_jacwpco wrote

I hope the rest of the baby squirrel is doing much better than the foot.


manicmoderate t1_jab2izd wrote

This is what you get when you put your best foot forward.


Shinado_Akimu t1_jacebdj wrote

When I was like 12 a friend of mine found a whole horse leg, with the ankle and all, it was so bizarre to flail it around like a mace on a chain.

Someone ended up yeeting it at another friend and we kinda all realized how gross it is at that moment, left it where we found it and moved on.


vayloo10 t1_jacim05 wrote

That’s disgusting


DeckerXT t1_jacmke5 wrote

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act and state laws make it illegal to kill, capture, possess (actual bird or parts of, including feathers), harass, or harm any bird of prey.


greengrayclouds t1_jacrsic wrote

Have we finally found a good use for air fryers?


helly1080 t1_jad25s1 wrote

Hawk or Eagle eating in the tree you were parked under?


Slider-Gwen OP t1_jad49er wrote

Wasn't parked under a tree, but probably something like that.


NoneForNone t1_jaej009 wrote

That squirrel didn't pay his debts.

"Deez Nutz" were his last words.


IamAFlaw t1_jab89sd wrote

That is either good luck and your world is going to change for the better, or it is bad luck and you will be miserable and afraid, at the edge of sanity for the rest of your life.