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impostershop t1_ja82i13 wrote

You can get melanoma in your eye so if it’s new get it checked


Drunktank1000 t1_ja85ez8 wrote

My wife has a similar spot. Eye doctor told her it's Heterochromia iridu, just a rare genetic trait.


TheyManM t1_ja870vq wrote

A nevus. Since you wear glasses I am sure your doctor is keeping an eye on it. No pun intended. Usually nothing but can be melanoma.


Brilliant-Strength71 t1_ja8j3v6 wrote

I have a similar one under my left pupil. The lady that examined my eyes for glasses told me it was just pigment coming through. Whatever that means lol


Plus-Bus-6937 t1_ja8mtyw wrote

Right before my dog died he kept looking into my soul with his 1 blue eye, this is eery to me lol. RIP Brownie...


Griefer17 t1_jaalqcr wrote

A shard of glass stuck in there, laying dormant... Waiting..