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t1_je5muro wrote

If you ever need an emergency spoon for your cereal you're going to be so glad that it's there.


t1_je5q0th wrote

If it wasn't you... how do you know that they are spoons?


t1_je5t475 wrote

That's a weird method to make a surveyor mark, but ok.


t1_je5zmo9 wrote

Is it in a place that could be a lot corner?


t1_je6t4ei wrote

Clearly a trap to send the Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon back to hell


t1_je6ypz2 wrote

ahhh the rare ancient junkie summoning circle. a true piece of history


t1_je70rwq wrote

That's just a wear indicator. When the spoons come loose, it'll be time to replace the sidewalk.


t1_je74a26 wrote

Whomever shall pull one of the spoons out and stir their tea with it shall become king of all Yorkshire.


t1_je7bde0 wrote

Nope. If you stack spoons at angles the height difference would but much more noticeable than forks. They no longer nest together and would have large gaps in height one after another. Forks will lay flat together and only increase height by the thickness of each tine. They aren't threaded together they are just stacked and rotated.


t1_je7oapd wrote

Nothing points to these being silverware lol where did you get that idea from?


t1_je7xt4t wrote

Definitely handles to some sort of walmartware. Jack hammer it, let us know what you find.


t1_je7zert wrote

Ancient symbol from the aliens. Your quest is to find out what it means.


t1_je80b95 wrote

That's clearly where the treasure is buried. Time to get a pick and shovel.


t1_je85230 wrote

The sidewalk is still loading.

Meanwhile, mum and dad are wondering where all the fucking spoons are.


t1_je86g6m wrote

As a concrete worker, there is a quarter in every single sidewalk, foundation, bridge deck, set of stairs, parkade ramp, or floor slab, that I've ever worked on. And I know quite a few guys in the trade who like to do it as well, so there is a fair chance that there's a coin in a lot of concrete slabs that you see.


t1_je8bu6l wrote

Nah. That's just the little asterisk from the Pink Panther cartoon.


t1_je8ci80 wrote

That was me. It is actually knives but bent to look like spoons and forks.


t1_je8gorb wrote

Whoa, looks like you've stumbled upon a hidden treasure trove! The circle of spoons on the sidewalk is definitely a sign that you're in the right place to unearth some deliciousness. Better grab a shovel and start digging, you never know what culinary gems you might find. Happy hunting! gif


t1_je8lhyc wrote

What more intrestng is that they may be forks


t1_je8mrrz wrote

Sign of the Soup Devil. There should be some dentures in the concrete not far away.


t1_je8mtfu wrote

In 1000 years archaeologists will be digging around and discover these spoons and an entirely new hypothesis will arise while various schools of academia try to relate their religious significance to early 21st century society.


t1_je8mtpl wrote

this is the perfect amount of interesting for this sub

nothing else has ever been so exactly mildly interesting

the platonic r/mildlyinteresting post


t1_je8onv9 wrote

i honestly hate this so much and the discomfort it brings me is indescribable 😐


t1_je8v0n4 wrote

Every construction project office ever: where have all the spoons gone?!


t1_je918sm wrote

Lift the plate and you'll find a portal to the spooniervers!


t1_je92bnh wrote

You live in a simulation and your sidewalk is loading.


t1_je96drs wrote

Let the council of spoons decide your fate, go ahead, step on 'em.


t1_je9ktzl wrote

Looks like the pavement is still loading. I’ll let you know what I see when it’s finished,


t1_je9w4mi wrote

Spoon says to fork ‘don’t you hate mornings when you feel like you are stuck in concrete ‘


t1_jea2hyt wrote

Not a fork in the path?

What the fork is this?


t1_jea5yb0 wrote

Why do I always seem to find r/mildlyinteresting to be far more interesting than r/interestingasfuck?


t1_jeadmvf wrote

That’s kind cool I like when people put cool stuff into the concrete. Probably because I do a lot of concrete for work


t1_jecc8m2 wrote

It would seem you have discovered the Walton Family's secret cult meeting place