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t1_iufrwt8 wrote

Aye, fight and you may die. Give your milk and you'll live -- at least a while. And dying in your stalls many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our farmers that they may take our lactose, but they'll never take our freedom!!!


t1_iuffoi6 wrote

Everyone shall know that one stood against many


t1_iuffruc wrote

They may take our milk, but they'll never take our freeeeeeedooooom!


t1_iug4xss wrote

My name is Inigo Mootoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.


t1_iuftudx wrote

He turned to face the horde that had stopped on the other hill. He stood alone, his comrades slain by this same horde. The horde acknowledged his presence with a loud warcry, and charged. He stood his ground, his plan going quite well. When the horde had nearly overun him, he drew his blade, and with a scream that would make the gods freeze, he charged. His blade ripped flesh, and shore limbs straight from the sockets. He did not know if he would win this battle, but all he knew was that by the end of his time on this earth, he would be surrounded by fear. And dead cows.


t1_iuffneb wrote

The Highlander. There can be only one.


t1_iufmy6o wrote

We found it! This is the real life scene that inspires all those kindergarten children's drawings with the cows standing on the horizon line.


t1_iufx6en wrote

That cow is outstanding in her field.


t1_iufcm73 wrote

Is that Port Isaac?


t1_iug601u wrote

He may not be the hero we want, but he's the hero we need.


t1_iug65gh wrote

When they're due to calve they'll move away from the others. I don't know if this is the case here though.


t1_iug6cgf wrote

Maybe that's a bull sizing up his harem.

OK today do I hump those 10 or those 10?


t1_iug9uwh wrote

She's coming back from war and the town came out to welcome her back.

Yes, I said she. Cows are all female

As I come for those that made reference to he or male names.

And yes I did take in to account that she might identify as something else, but I stand by my decision.

Lol. For the rest, enjoy the comment section after this one }:-)


t1_iugdcvg wrote

Or maybe it’s just walking back home ❤️


t1_iugjdwk wrote

Me when trying to socialize with normal people


t1_iugsuf1 wrote

suddenly you here "Moo Moo Mooo" and then dozens of portals start opening up all over and The Bovengers theme plays


t1_iugw7gh wrote

That cow is about to do the dirty dancing move


t1_iuh1dhp wrote

He is gonna get picked off. Skylining himself like that is going to him killed. The ground is your friend. Use micro terrain to your advantage.


t1_iuh1kol wrote


I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, and why we died. All that matters is that today, two stood against many. Valor pleases you, so grant me this one request. Grant me revenge!

And if you do not listen, the HELL with you!


t1_iuh23te wrote

Theme from the good the bad and the ugly plays


t1_iuh2zbo wrote

I knew this comment section would deliver


t1_iuh3ubz wrote

They must have some really bad beef with each other.


t1_iuh56t3 wrote

Or so it seems, they'll charge at each other now, start fighting until the one cow is surrounded and is about to be killed... But then suddenly, from on top of the hill a baa is heard! The sheep have come for aid!


t1_iuh98yu wrote

They're trying to demonstrate the difference between small and far away cows


t1_iuhcw0b wrote

Looks like a cliff behind him. He’s probably that one cow that’s like “hey guys, we should check this out, might be fun” and then convinces them all to jump off with him


t1_iuhg00x wrote

That's the alpha cow, scanning the surrounding to make sure the herd is safe.


t1_iuhhkl1 wrote

Likely a neighbors bull that made its way onto the property. He’s sizing up the other bull and trying to determine the risk/reward for if he fights the other bull. If he wins look at all the cows for him to breed. But if he looses it’s just pain and returning to his herd.


t1_iui6d3o wrote

This is one of the flayed photos I've ever seen. Such little sense of depth is hurts my brain a little!


t1_iuii71s wrote

And here I am, all I can see is a THREE story house. I would HATE all those stairs! (Obviously someone used to the ranch style, one story houses in Texas, the USA. Lol)


t1_iuipwqh wrote

Looks like it should be a Pink Floyd vinyl album cover.


t1_iuixia0 wrote

It’s just another Disney channel movie


t1_iufhnav wrote

This is how I totally envision the American old west, with 100 miners/trappers/homesteaders vs 1 sex worker at the only saloon/inn within 500 miles...