
BurningPenguin t1_jabfv66 wrote

So, you can't name a regulation that decreases safety. Got it.

Also, news flash: Mushrooms and wild animals aren't bananas. And I'm quite sure even bananas don't contain a considerable amount Cesium-137.

>No reactor like that is currently operating.

Almost like those "unsafe" safety regulations are working as intended.


BurningPenguin t1_ja87kr2 wrote

> Quite frankly a lot of nuclear regulations DECREASE safety

Name one

> Chemical leaks are a daily occurrence to the point they rarely make the news.

Maybe in the US...

> The regulations against radiation are thousands of times stricter than those against most chemical carcinogens

Again, something that might be a US thing

> Even the worst case scenario with nuclear you're talking tens of deaths. Lots of chemical spills have killed thousands and they kill hundreds of thousands in terms of long term exposures.

Oh, so nuclear accidents have no long term effect now. Nice.

Sure, nuclear appears to be quite safe nowadays, but let's not pretend that a major accident has less consequences than chemical spills. I live in Bavaria and our mushrooms are still radioactive.


BurningPenguin t1_itar67z wrote

Exactly this. Of course, I do encourage people to call me if they need something or have questions. This way, they won't do stupid shit just because they're afraid to ask. That's also the reason they prefer to give me a call, because I don't scold them, like the other guy does.

But it can get annoying, if I have to tell them the same stuff over and over again. I do write information and updates about things in our intranet page. Including recent occurring spam mails, how to recognize them and how to deal with it. But apparently not everyone is reading that.


BurningPenguin t1_it7gbaz wrote

If it's an email that is really hard to tell if it's spam or not, it's fine. But i'm getting regularly questions about mails that should be painfully obvious. Especially since those mails aren't unknown to the users in question. The usual crap about "expired password" or "check this totally legit onedrive website hosted on google drive, which i crafted in 2 minutes".

And since my boss doesn't want to adjust the spam filter, so that certain subject lines are filtered, i have to explain the same shit over and over again. Adding a button to make it easier to forward potentially infected emails would make it even more annoying. We're still using Office 2016 btw.