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DylboyPlopper t1_ixrlvsg wrote

The fuck are those shoes


Radikost OP t1_ixrly7b wrote

It’s Harrods so… Rich people shoes I guess


DylboyPlopper t1_ixrmait wrote

They do say money can’t buy taste


zoinkability t1_ixsx2rn wrote

“I’m so rich that when I wear clothes that look like complete ass, other people question their own style rather than laughing at mine”


FuckinNogs t1_ixsukzu wrote



frankhadwildyears t1_ixt7af4 wrote

I don't know what the hell they are, but as Yeezy collector, I can confirm they aren't Yeezys.


prontoon t1_ixuy2pa wrote

So outta curiosity, is that collection appreciating or depreciating due to Ye's actions?


Fondren_Richmond t1_ixt0657 wrote

Probably £900 / pair, just projecting from my last visit to the basement floor at Neiman's.


clandestineVexation t1_ixu2y7f wrote

Shoemaker: aight fam what u want

Old money rich kid: you know 80s computers?

Shoemaker: say no more


Jupman t1_ixttrvq wrote

Yeezees if I am not mistaken.


BullFrogz13 t1_ixreib2 wrote

If you’re going bust your ass, at least look good doing it.


atrueviking t1_ixrghsw wrote

That's pretty interesting. Great way to show off the shoes I guess!


qwertpoiuy1029 t1_ixsmm20 wrote

Fun fact about Harrods. You can order anything from them. Like, anything (legal) in the world and they will find it for you (or have it made for you).

You will also be charged for this service. A lot.


ThisIsTrix t1_ixrmx4i wrote

"Oh gosh, I fell but look at my gorgeous pants"

Fashion will never not be weird to me.


Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_ixrnebu wrote

The only way they could have gotten those pants on to that stiff mannequin was to put the pants on before the legs were assembled.


schpanckie t1_ixrvwbg wrote

From the school of “Monty Python” set design?


Remote-Direction963 t1_ixrwu6p wrote

Bro that Mannequin's position looks like the Ridiculousness TV show logo


postedUpOnTheBlock t1_ixsfqwe wrote

Do shoes become more ridiculous and resemble cheap foam material the more they cost?


watchitbend t1_ixrg914 wrote

Somewhat surprised the merchandising leads allowed it. It's been a while now, but when I worked there the place was littered with managers that were so rigid and stuck-up it was insufferable. Probably because they were all shit-scared of al-Fayed.


LeonMann t1_ixrnihk wrote

I heard that this store is expensive and full of designer stuff. I love to visit London when I finish my sentence.


Radikost OP t1_ixrron8 wrote

You’re right. It’s mostly designer and old rich fashion empires (Dior, Louis Vuitton and stuff) with like 3, 4 and 5 digit prices on the regular


LeonMann t1_ixs4jac wrote

More than 10,000 English dollars for something is a shop sounds wild


Fondren_Richmond t1_ixt0hh2 wrote

Lived in south central Mississippi for a while during the pandemic, the front lobby of the local Sam's had a cammo-detailed ATV for $7,999.99; to be fair the children's book Young Heroes of the Confederacy was like $9.99.


senorglory t1_ixrt1ku wrote

Evolved from break dancing to just broken.


Penumbra75 t1_ixs8j88 wrote

I wonder if this was originally intended to have had a cell phone in the hand. Just the way the head is turned and the position of the left hand. Could've been a tongue in cheek thing about staying on your phone even after face planting.


braclark t1_ixsoi2q wrote

This is their new fall collection.


FauniePie t1_ixsx32d wrote

This is how Drake falls


thatmannyguy t1_ixrmao6 wrote

Nobody here break dances and it shows


n3w4cc01_1nt t1_ixrzuou wrote

y'all don't know but that's what hanging out means


Cause_Why_Not03 t1_ixs66r2 wrote

I lowkey like this better than the usual model poses


edgy_Juno t1_ixspdga wrote

Thought that was Kanye for a sec.


_whoamitoday_ t1_ixt29tx wrote

I think this could be a sculpture titled: 'For the views', a commentary on a pointless industry spawned by social media to reward the capture of a million bored eyeballs with low budget video "content" which appeals to our base animal drivers and instincts of survival/danger, food, reproductive drive etc. using bright colours and loud noises. The contrast of the danger implied by the pose are contrasted against the muted colours of the outfit.

Or perhaps it is an attempt to show the shoes can look "good" while "influencing".


enataca t1_ixt8wb4 wrote

That’s Brad Pitt in Bullet Train


morahman7vn t1_ixthbta wrote

Watch someone vomit mashed potatoes on it in the name of climate change.


3nd1ess t1_ixu7qz5 wrote

Whoever done that has a great sense of humor.


mazali666 t1_ixu8br6 wrote

I think that's what happens when you wear these shoes. somebody will put you down immediately, these shoes stink!


hungeringforthename t1_ixukoxi wrote

Fuck mannequins in fashion poses, give me relatable mannequins that are absolutely eating shit or slumped in a cheap gaming chair with tense shoulders and one hand in their pants for no reason


TheUnseen_001 t1_ixvjx26 wrote

It's great that no matter how weird I think I am there's always someone in the other side of the world who does stuff like this for giggles.


callmeAllyB t1_ixssi4j wrote

The only way anyone would look remotely attractive in those ugly-ass shoes....


ellefleming t1_ixt637y wrote

Mannequin is breakdancing.


Nat_Higgins t1_ixta9iz wrote

Even when you completely eat shit on the pavement, your still looking fine.


Nick6244 t1_ixtqxuk wrote

Is that really what rich people buy these days? Paper bag trousers and disposable chamber pot shoes?

People have really been brainwashed into buying absaloute shit these days.


Chickenwing_Icecream t1_ixu32dj wrote

When u walk in a wal greens and slip in a puddle of watery diarrhea


Card_Zero t1_ixw3xi5 wrote

How's Harrods doing these days? Is it still all Al Fayed influenced? Isn't he dead yet?