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RonSwansonsOldMan t1_iy4ghuw wrote

  1. Why would a water bottle need a handle? 2. Why are you destroying the planet?

chupathingy99 OP t1_iy5d4j8 wrote

  1. It's a big bottle. 2. I recycle them.

Fickle_Competition33 t1_iy5oesr wrote

  1. Their bottle is fully rPET, they own their own PET recycling facility where they produce the bottles.

That's the only bottled water I buy, when I have to buy bottled water.


PsyFiFungi t1_iy4gz6s wrote

Because a gallon of water is heavy, karen. Virtue signal somewhere else. If you need it, get it. If you don't, don't. If you get it, recycle.


RonSwansonsOldMan t1_iy4i0b1 wrote

My guess would be that your tap water is fine. But if you just have to have bottled, use the refillable 5 gallon jugs.


PsyFiFungi t1_iy4xvuy wrote

My tap water? You didn't mention me or my tap water. Personally? I drink tap water almost exclusively, and if I ever get a plastic bottle I reuse it (even beyond a safe amount of times) then recycle it. But your original comment was pretty out of pocket towards OP. Lot of pretentious assumptions.

Again, you don't know someone's personal situation. Sure, if you're in a place with good tap water and exclusively drink bottled water because you have the money to do so, that's not really great. If you grab it when you need it either for emergencies or because you needed it at that time and to use later to refill and recycle, then so what?