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t1_j1x80td wrote

Does it also have a competitive or ranked setting?


t1_j1y2tc2 wrote

This is better than any response I could have ever thought of. Almost makes me want to play rocket league lol


t1_j1xfom4 wrote



t1_j1xyv77 wrote

I suspect it’s folks being curious as to how “casual” applies to laundry cycles that makes it mildly interesting.

If this doesn’t interest you, is it because you know what this is and could share with us?


t1_j1xz2it wrote

yeah it’s referring to casual clothes, aka shit you wear all the time like tshirts jeans underwear socks stuff like that. some people like to wash whites or sheets or other weird stuff like that on different settings but i pretty much just throw it all on casual


t1_j1xz70d wrote

Awesome! This makes sense - hopefully this gets some visibility for the knowledge.

Appreciate ya internet stranger!


t1_j1xt9dr wrote

For all the people making fun of OP, I've never seen a casual setting either. Google says it's the same thing as permanent press, which I have seen, so that would explain it.


OP t1_j1yxww1 wrote

Thanks for the info and the kind words stanger!


t1_j1xqudb wrote

Casual: yeah, sometimes the stains come out, sometimes they don't. Who cares, right?


t1_j1xt6j6 wrote

I feel really awkward asking for clarification on wtf this setting does as 1/2 the comments are sarcastic humor and the others are making fun of op…

I’ve owned more than my share of washers and I don’t recall any of them having this setting. (I’m American in case it’s a regional thing).


t1_j1x7ld3 wrote

Where’s the Heroic and Mythic settings?


t1_j1xgfbj wrote

Those only exist on industrial-size front load machines. And can only be triggered by a secret code known only to the Laundry Illuminati.


t1_j1xqe3h wrote

I tried to do my laundry on legendary mode last week and couldn’t get passed the detergent level, the boss was so OP


t1_j1x8z0n wrote

It’ll just make the clothes dirty


t1_j1xjhi9 wrote

Regular, mild, medium, spicy. Seems like every other restaurant I've been to


t1_j1xl77n wrote

That's the setting for people who want all the fun without the commitment


t1_j1xv69c wrote

It’ll grow out of it in it’s 30’s.


t1_j1xzq7r wrote

That’s for romantic comedies when the director says “ casually turn the washer on”


t1_j1xfkcj wrote

I don't know. Wash casually.


t1_j1xjfrk wrote

And the post holiday ‘heavy’ setting too


t1_j1xnxsh wrote

I wish I could turn off my casual setting


t1_j1xq729 wrote

Hey we’re gonna be cleaning the clothes in here, nothing crazy just more of a low key caj vibe if you wanna stop by. No worries if not tho


t1_j1xwikg wrote

Guessing you just moved to the US or are visiting. Welcome! My only warning is stay far away from Florida. Can be cool to visit, but don't move there!

This is a standard setting here in the US. Use it for washing casual clothing. Hope you enjoy your stay here!


OP t1_j1yxqtf wrote

I'm not sure why everyone thinks I'm either very young or from another country. I have lived in the US my whole life and have apparently avoided seeing the casual setting any place I have ever lived or visited. Also, coincidentally just moved away from Florida and I would agree with your advice.


t1_j1xi0ef wrote



OP t1_j1xjbpa wrote

I've seen many washing machines and never once a casual cycle. How old are you?


OP t1_j1x6gaa wrote

For my filthy casuals.
