
BuffaloInCahoots t1_je86ypq wrote

Is there a country Russia hasn’t threatened in the last few days? If there is I’m willing to bet China picked up the slack. I know this is mainly for their own people but how do they not see that it makes them look weak and scared. Like that dog acting tough behind the gate but once it’s open he calms the fuck down real fast.


BuffaloInCahoots t1_jdohaio wrote

Pretty sure California has more guns than most states and most didn’t come from other states. I grew up there and during the 4th full auto gun fire was normal, this was in the early 90s. Guns have never been hard to get in California, with or without the laws, with or without crossing state lines.


BuffaloInCahoots t1_jbrhpwc wrote

That’s like saying murder is illegal but people still kill each other, we need new anti murder laws. They can write all the laws they want, there’s not a single group on earth that can hold the US accountable. Any group that could would not want to because then the same would happen to them.


BuffaloInCahoots t1_j8yyhlw wrote

The high alert was the main reason. The training and wasteful money was to counter the cost of shooting it down. I don’t know how much is grandstanding by gov officials but until recently they all seemed pretty concerned about it. Also the balloon was at an altitude that could interfere with planes, so we shot it down. Didn’t really cost us anything and gave some pilot a little training. The only thing that concerns me is now the whole world knows our capabilities. We can accurately track and shoot down a balloon sized object, with a almost no existent radar signature. I’m undecided if that’s a bad thing or a good thing for everyone to know.


BuffaloInCahoots t1_j8yjwvr wrote

The first one was shot down when it needed to be, we definitely wanted to take a look at it and it clearly wasn’t a weather balloon. This one might not have needed to be shot down but everyone’s on high alert now. Also the cost is pointless, it’s good training and we spent way way more on stupider things.


BuffaloInCahoots t1_j7kndhe wrote

Reply to comment by Reddit-username_here in Cool trick by amynoacid

If it’s still the same as it was years ago, a lot of them will. I did stain and lacquer work for a summer. At the end of the day, all the stain rags would go in a metal bucket with water in it. We’d put a lid on it and set it in a wide open area.