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[deleted] t1_j9bgq05 wrote



LoveEffective1349 t1_j9bhp9y wrote

I think Schindlers had groundbreaking elements


[deleted] t1_j9bhx9o wrote



LoveEffective1349 t1_j9bk9t1 wrote

The use of colour in a black and white drama. Seems cliche but it isn’t and wasn’t in film.

The typical Spielberg blocking and framing. Is it “groundbreaking” maybe not but it’s smart efficient and impactful. Without realizing it it sucks you in, makes the world less flat, it adds so much, and so few directors can really use it. So while a whip pan or a dollying focus pull or a subtle blocking might not seem ground braking, using them at those times in those ways can jar you as an audience member, drag you further in to the film.

He’s genius.