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TheCosmicFailure t1_jacbper wrote

I'm thinking of ending things

BR 2049

Children of Men




Positive_Yam_9125 OP t1_jacckaj wrote

Oh ya. I would've included both Blade Runners. Children of Men should've been nominated that year, nominees were not on it's level. Prisoners got robbed as well. I think Midsommar and The Lighthouse got robbed from 2020 Oscars.


Trxnquill t1_jace1r6 wrote

Midsommar was one of the worst and most boring films I've ever watched. The story was non existent and it's runtime was waaay too bloated, there wasn't a single interesting character, and the acting was bang average at best. What was it that you found best picture worthy?


TheCosmicFailure t1_jacp6s5 wrote

I didn't think the story was boring in the slightest. I thought it was compelling to watch Dani's journey throughout the film.

>!She starts off feeling lost after the passing of her parents and sister. Then we watch as the cult cleverly disconnects Dani from anything she has left of her old life. She feels that the only real home she has left is with them!<

Then of course the great acting, cinematography, and dialogue. It's definitely not for everybody.


Trxnquill t1_jad13hw wrote

Almost nothing happens in the entire film. 60% of the run time is characters just sitting down/eating/being high without anything meaningful happening, 20% is just girl feeling sad, and the other 20% is excessive violence/absurd screeching. It felt like the film thought it had some clever feminist message to impart but it never got to it. None of the decisions made in the film make any sense when considered for more than 5 seconds.

I watched the film due to it getting hyped up but I couldn't find anything worthwhile in it at all.


Positive_Yam_9125 OP t1_jacizwb wrote

I thought it was better than like half the noms that year. If Ari Aster got snubbed for anything, I think it would be for Hereditary.