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[deleted] t1_j9ij5th wrote



PseudoScorpian t1_j9jg5h7 wrote

Most straight people are more than comfortable with gay people. It's a very vocal minority that isn't. And you have to wonder what they're struggling with internally.

Source: I'm straight. Have lots of gay friends. Those gay friends have lots of straight friends. Me and my kid didn't like lightyear because it was a bad movie.


h00n23 t1_j9jgd81 wrote

Conservative have more kids and this is not accounting for socially conservative black and Latino. and what about big international market? Like china?

I myself don't mind being friend with a gay dude or lesbian women but it don't mean that I like seeing gay kiss or I am gonna watch lesbian or gay porn. I don't relate with gay romance at all. Gay people are big minority especially if you remove bisexual.


PseudoScorpian t1_j9jhs2h wrote

People who don't live in cities have more kids and liberals tend to live in cities. It is absurd that accepting gay people as legitimate human beings is a left/right divide, but America is broken

And here, no one is asking you to jerk off to gay porn. There's nothing sexual about it. And, in any case, it is odd that you see "relating to gay romance" as an issue because it is the exact same as our romance... and the movie isn't Broke Back Mountain to begin with. It has very fleeting reference to a lesbian relationship.

You managed to relate to 4 films about talking to toys when you yourself are not a talking toy. What is so challenging about seeing two women hold hands and relating that to your own feelings and concepts of love?


h00n23 t1_j9jidfl wrote

It don't mean that you think that left /right divide. Conservative usually don't like seeing gay romance it don't mean that they would harm gay people. and many black/latino vote for Democrat but are socially conservative. And many Asian countries are conservative. They are big market you can try to shame us but you can't force us to watch and have to deal with flop It is not same as straight romance lol at least it don't feel same. I mean I can imagine myself as the women and guy as the guy I would like. I can't do it in lesbian or gay romance.. Because they have human personality they talk like human lmao I can imagine myself in their shoes I can't do it with gay romance. also last of us had gay sex scene

Anyway LGBT are extreme minority. Especially if you remove bisexual. It sometimes feel like that they're over represented in Western media Also straight kiss romance scene look hot gay scene don't


PseudoScorpian t1_j9jkerx wrote

7 percent of Americans self-identify as LGBTQ. That's not an extreme minority. It is nearly one in ten people. So, no, having the first gay couple in a Disney film in 2022 is not "over representation."

No one is forcing you to watch anything. Once again, it's a bad movie on its own. But your inability to grasp the humanity of homosexual relationships is something you might want to consider.

I never watch straight kiss scenes and think they're hot. This is a disney movie. Nothing is sexual.

You're bringing up the last of us, but I'm not sure why. Thats a show for adults. If gay characters had sex on it, that makes sense. Gay adults do have sex. You can watch a short gay sex scene, as an adult. It has nothing to do with being republican. Its an issue of emotional maturity. You're really just making excuses.


h00n23 t1_j9jl8rt wrote

7% is not big number lmao and how many of them are bisexual? I don't like watching gay sex or gay kiss is it hard to understand? There are almost 7% Asian in USA they get less roles than gay Not in Disney movie. But I have watched kiss or sex scene and thought that they were hot. I can't do that with gay sex or kiss scene. and I can see myself in women shoe. I can't do it with gay. Because I am not gay

As I have said before I recognize I don't mind being friend with gay person and I won't attack any gay person for being gay.

How am I making excuse? You are the one who is shaming me For no reason. I am not even sure if you are actually straight if you like to watch gay sex. Maybe you are bisexual?


PseudoScorpian t1_j9jmn8j wrote

See, there it is again. You're unable to imagine having empathy with gay people. For a normal person. It is a non issue.

And off the top of my head Turning Red and Shang Chi came out last year. Are Asians over represented? Two movies were Asian led last year. Buzz Lightyear wasnt even led by a gay couple. It just had one in it. Holding hands. If we go through the movies with asian characters your argument will look even dumber. Your argument doesn't hold water. Non-hispanic whites only make up 60 percent of America. 95 percent of movies have white leads. If anyone is over represented it is the straight white guy.

I would be open about being bisexual if I were. Literally no one I know cares in Canada and I obviously am pretty comfortable with my sexuality in comparison to the guy who refuses to even watch gay people kiss. So that gotcha is somewhat ineffective.

And, for the last time, NO ONE IS ASKING YOU TO THINK IT IS HOT. This isn't pornography we are talking about here. Your obsession with this tidbit js glaring. Why are you so worried about thinking jts hot? There's all sorts of amazing stories you are going to miss out on if the only people you're capable of empathising with are people like you.

But your issues are obviously deeper seeded than something that can be undone with a mere reddit argument. So I'm going to call it a day and get on with my life. Good luck with your internalized homophobia and repressed urges


h00n23 t1_j9jrdvm wrote

They're doing it because they want china money and there are many Asian countries anyway. Asian are majority in global movie. These movies and tv shows try to attract Asian audience. But if you check statistics then gay people get more roles than Asians. How am I not able to empathize if I don't mind being friend with them? I just don't like seeing gay sex scene or kiss. Same reason why I don't watch gay porn. I don't have watched it lmao so I won't comment on it's story

I am comfortable with my sexuality too. Lmao it is not about being comfortable it is just not liking it. I prefer movies/show with hot actors. Am I threatened by average or unattractive people too?

I can empathize with all kind of people. It is not about it lmao I just get weird feeling when I see same gender people kissing each other

Bye and I am no gay lmao this is just your way of shaming me


[deleted] t1_j9inaf9 wrote



PseudoScorpian t1_j9jgapf wrote

He is afraid that if he watches a movie with gay people in it that he will have to confront the thing he's clearly repressing.