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Rod_Reegus t1_jabvbay wrote

It is the same, and it’s always bothered me. How lazy was the Gladiator sound editor - or maybe it’s supposed to be a joke, like a Wilhelm scream.


censor-design t1_jabw26v wrote

Here’s an opinion: Gladiator was a steamy pile of shit


Only_Self_5209 t1_jac5fzq wrote

I love the movie but it's essentially a knock off of Conan the Barbarian, opens with a raid, main characters family gets murdered, gets captured and forced to be a gladiator meets a friend then gets revenge at the end of the movie


RyzenRaider t1_jacp9rp wrote

History Buffs (good YT channel) covered this years ago.

Ultimately, as long as there are no discernible words, I don't see a problem with it. It would be weird if the germanic tribe was speaking Zulu, but the chant is just intended to be intimidating in both cases.

EDIT: Just found an example of a recycled effect that irrationally annoys me in movies. This wooden door sound is forever associated with Diablo in my mind, but keep hearing it throughout a surprising number of movies. The Wilhelm scream is amusing, I don't mind it. But this one just sounds lazy, like no one's recorded a new door sound in at least 20 years.


faceintheblue t1_jadp8ai wrote

It is the same. I guess the editor thought a real recording of thousands of men doing war chants was worth using, even if they were speaking the wrong language? The only people who would catch it are Zulu speakers and people who have a very clear recollection of one of the 20-30 songs in that movie. I spotted it because I'm a big Zulu history nerd. No one else who saw the movie with me noticed or cared when I mentioned it.