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njdevils901 t1_j9vwntg wrote

Because subtitles are better, and dubs are awkward. With subtitles you actually get the original performance, which is why I turn off any old Italian movie when they do shitty dubbing, and when I actually can hear and see the original performances with subtitles I am on board.

Edit: If we are talking about anime in particular, I still prefer the subtitles


warrenmax12 t1_j9vys4i wrote

But old Italian movies were always dubbed, because they were filmed without sound


njdevils901 t1_j9vz9kp wrote

I mean there's quite a few that I've found that aren't dubbed. The Mass is Over, Marriage Italian Style, Those Sweet Creatures, Spider's Stratagem. Any De Sica movie


warrenmax12 t1_j9w0gmd wrote

Italian movies made around those times were always dubbed. As in, they were shot without sound and then dubbed in post production. In Italian of course


TheRealClose t1_j9w27v7 wrote

It’s still the original actors giving the performance though, and matching what they did on set.


warrenmax12 t1_j9w2fq4 wrote

Still dubbed. And not always original actors. There were a lot of foreign actors in Italian Cinema and they all spoke their own language on set. Sometimes actors didn’t even say the correct lines. It was all dibbed after.


Georgy_K_Zhukov t1_j9w5ui9 wrote

Like /u/warrenmax12 already noted, it depends. The "shooting language" often won't even be defined since it is all dubb ed afterwards which means all the actors simply speak in their own language, which means there might be several different ones on set, and this no single dub matches all the lip movements. The English dub might have the English speaking actors do the voice work for their parts, but voice actors are doing the other parts, and likewise for an Italian or German dub.

I can't remember the film off the top of my head, but I remember one movie, a Macaroni combat film from the '80s (they kind of all blend together. Maybe Commando Leopard?) which was a particularly funny situation as it had a German (?) actor (I think it was German) who has done the German dub for the earlier film in the series as he was established as the 'german voice' for that actor in several previous films, but now was acting in the sequel... So for consistency he still did the dub for the character he had some before, and someone else did his dub! ADR work for those Italian b films can get pretty convoluted!


bluejegus t1_j9vzyer wrote

I mean OP is talking about Anime where all of the audio is done post production anyway. Mouths are super easy to animate to make it look like characters are saying whatever you want them to.

Live action I'll always go subs, but in anime I go back and forth depending on the quality.


captain_cocaine86 t1_j9w5j5i wrote

> with subtitles you actually get the original performance

True but since you don't understand what they are saying all you get is the text on the screen, meaning the only difference to dub is that someone else reads said text out loud.

Subtitles lose at least as much emotions and meaning as dubbing, if not way more.

That's also why I never understood why it is preferred.


njdevils901 t1_j9w8czi wrote

It is preferred because I would rather read subtitles than be distracted by dubbing. I'll never get dubbing as well, because it is awkward, sounds bad, and is consistently distracting


Spiritual_Corner_977 t1_j9vylb3 wrote

considering most animes are adaptions of manga, it’s technically not an “original performance”. the original performance is the source material itself. english dub is every bit of an adaption as japanese dub. the argument for subs would be that japanese performers are more likely to perform to the nuance of the material, and set the tone for being the first adapters. it’s not because it’s the original performance though.

edit: why the downvotes? i’m right.
