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Galac_tacos t1_je529zh wrote

JLC over pretty much any of the best supporting actresses . Her character was purely for laughs and frankly I didn't think it was that well acted anyway. Kerry Condon deserved it the most, then Hsu, then Hong Chau, then Bassett, then jlc. Should've just given her the lifetime award.


mikeyfreshh t1_je54ly7 wrote

This pretty much was a lifetime achievement award, though you probably could have said the same thing if it went to Angel Bassett. I like JLC and I think it's cool that she has an Oscar, but her performance was definitely the least interesting of the bunch


BeginningAppeal8599 t1_je52gsw wrote

I actually loved her quirky over the top character so much. I love her acting much more in her old age than when she was starting out.