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t1_jeeg7ns wrote

From what I recall, the encounter with the ghost army plays out a lot more efficiently in the book. The movie definitely took a few liberties for dramatic flair. I always felt that the Ghost King just thought it over and had a change of heart by the time they got out of the cave.


t1_jeei712 wrote

Not just that scene, the whole "Aragorn is the king of Gondor" plotline is somewhat different. His internal struggle with his future position as king is non-existent in the books, he's actually quite sure and assertive about it.


t1_jeenrvf wrote

Aragon joined the Fellowship with full intent of parting before or at Gondor with Boromir. He knew he was going to reclaim the Throne. Aragon as a whole was more badass and more assured of himself in the books. He carried the shards of Narsil and drew the broken sword against the Rinfwraiths on Weathertop, really the first time you see him draw his sword. While spending the 3 months at Rivendell, he goes on patrols with Elronds sons, and Elrond reforfes the Shards of Narsil before the Fellowship leaves Rivendell. A few weeks after they leave Rivendell, the Grey Riders: the group of Rangers from the North who are Aragorns fellow Numenorian descendents as well as Elronds two sons themselves Elf Lord's, set off for Rohan and and meet Aragorn before goring through the ghost way. It's a small band of Men and Elves roughly 30 iirc but more fearsome than the Rohirrim. Aragorn plan is to use the Ghosts to defeat the pirates of the Coast, which they do, and Aragorn releases them for that act then. He and the Grey Riders meanwhile sail the boats up the coast and land at the docks on the day of battle and shift the tide of battle temporarily with just 30 dudes.


t1_jeeuj53 wrote

I think you might be forgetting that when the pirates are killed/flee in terror of the ghost army, their ships are filled with gondorian soldiers and men from the coast. This is the force that sails up river and joins the battle. It wasn't just 30 dudes


t1_jeeirpp wrote

YES! Aragorn asserting his authority to Eomer and the other riders of Rohan during their first confrontation was genuine King Shit.

I particularly loved the chapter where the fellowship had just departed Lorien and passed the Argonath. That whole sequence of Aragorn assuming a king-like appearance and exhuming a determined aura was amazing.


t1_jef2ypr wrote

Not to mention he has the sword long before he gets it in the movie I’m pretty sure he has it the entire time or else at least since they leave rivendale.

Ghost armies all ready to go in the books


t1_jeel8hl wrote

Plus in the book it was a black banner that only the ghosts could see the standard on, and not the reforged sword.


t1_jeeldmq wrote

> The movie definitely took a few liberties for dramatic flair

Wouldn't have been the first time, either.