
PagingDrHuman t1_jeenrvf wrote

Aragon joined the Fellowship with full intent of parting before or at Gondor with Boromir. He knew he was going to reclaim the Throne. Aragon as a whole was more badass and more assured of himself in the books. He carried the shards of Narsil and drew the broken sword against the Rinfwraiths on Weathertop, really the first time you see him draw his sword. While spending the 3 months at Rivendell, he goes on patrols with Elronds sons, and Elrond reforfes the Shards of Narsil before the Fellowship leaves Rivendell. A few weeks after they leave Rivendell, the Grey Riders: the group of Rangers from the North who are Aragorns fellow Numenorian descendents as well as Elronds two sons themselves Elf Lord's, set off for Rohan and and meet Aragorn before goring through the ghost way. It's a small band of Men and Elves roughly 30 iirc but more fearsome than the Rohirrim. Aragorn plan is to use the Ghosts to defeat the pirates of the Coast, which they do, and Aragorn releases them for that act then. He and the Grey Riders meanwhile sail the boats up the coast and land at the docks on the day of battle and shift the tide of battle temporarily with just 30 dudes.


PagingDrHuman t1_jeemm9y wrote

The ghosts swore an oath and betrayed it by fleeing Gondor or however they identified at the time and refusing to come to Gondors Aid. As Isildurs heir Aragon could hold them to that oath. So they sort of always didn't like Gondor, but didn't realize the ramifications.


PagingDrHuman t1_jeat0df wrote

Reply to comment by Hmmletmec in I remember when…. by Kaa_The_Snake

Those desks aren't rated to deflect bullets. I believe companies have started offering bullet resistant classroom furniture, but they're even more expensive than quality classroom furniture. (Desks that can withstand years of abuse with negligible maintain are actually expensive). Honestly it's sad


PagingDrHuman t1_j7yj089 wrote

So there's studies that show quality of life is positively correlated to energy consumption.

Without a power grid for an extended period of time, a large number of people would die. Cities, waste, food distribution, water processing, medicine, are all based on access to electricity. Heating is strongly correlated but not necessarily electric.. If electricity stays off permanently people will try to go where their is electricity to help with food, water, medicine. This creates a refugee crisis which likewise strains what resource access there is in those regions. Increasing population suddenly by a small fraction, not a big deal, doubling population in few months nightmare scenario.

Basically the population will long term reflect the food supply. Famines will kill millions.

There are few actual scenarios that would result in lose if the power grid. A solar storm is most likely, but countries that take infrastructure regulation seriously will survive. Those that don't will lose power for month's and focus on bring power back to the most people as quick as possible. Large cities will get power back In a few weeks, and rural areas probably a year or two. Agricultural equipment is mostly Fossil fuel based, so basic food production will function. Food storage and distribution is the problem. The result will be food trucks. Thousands will still die however: medical care will deteriorate one way or another and that means the old and young are more likely to die. The real question will be if electric refugees resort to literally eating the rich in their remote luxury bunkers with backup power.


PagingDrHuman t1_j70umfk wrote

But don't forget the very worst part was a nuclear meltdown that required 60,000 to be relocated/s. The Tsunami was devastating, everything washed away, hundreds of thousands killed, but nuclear was the dangerous lesson for part of the world. It was so bad and the government was so unprepared the Yakuza started running supplies to help communities without extortion.


PagingDrHuman t1_izxi4th wrote

There's actually quite a big element for scalability of the battery cell size, as intelligent controlling charges of multiple different cells is often how many different high power battery installations work. In fact the word battery itself is a reflection of the inherent multiple quantities of power cells arranged in a group or battery.


PagingDrHuman t1_ix76rw5 wrote

While walking into the funeral parlor with my siblings for the first viewing of my mom, I asked my siblings if this meant we can no longer make "your mom" jokes. We all laughed about it. Death is stupid, you just gotta laugh at it.


PagingDrHuman t1_iufy51f wrote

There's no time zones or jet lag in Star Wars. It's just like there's an up in outer space. Orbital mechanics don't exist, and hyperspace travel always takes exactly as long as the plot dictates, whether its several hours for some board games and to master the force in an afternoon or it's going through multiple systems in a matter of seconds.


PagingDrHuman t1_iufw9sk wrote

Reply to comment by TheWrathalos in Built like a brick by diaozhazha58

Aren't there chests you can fill with other stuff and then put the chest into inventory? I'll be honest, Ive never gotten far in Minecraft. I always get a base working, become self sufficient and get bored and move on to another game.