Submitted by You_Talk_Funny t3_121qisl in movies

Or as Red Letter Media would refer to them as - especially where middle-aged men are concerned - “black tank top movies”.

Also interested to hear about movies outside of over-the-hill action genre, such as delusional divas or out of their depth directors.

A personal favourite is Cobra, for every possible reason imaginable.



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LeeF1179 t1_jdmvx5u wrote

"Remember the health code. Next time, take the stairs!"

Love Cobra!


laterdude t1_jdmvzch wrote

How about "let me show off my accent" movies? I especially loved Dennis Quaid's crazy cajun accent in The Big Easy.


BondageKitty37 t1_jdmz4ap wrote

Niel Breen is the correct answer. All of his movies involve him being the greatest person to have ever lived...ever. He heals people using magic rocks, he is the best hacker in the world, he knows all the government secrets, he owns 15 broken laptops, he's won every military medal ever, every woman wants to bang him, assassins are always trying to kill him. Shit's crazy


Romance_Tactics t1_jdmzczo wrote

Battlefield Earth basically being Scientology: The Movie!

I've never actually watched it, but it looks absolutely absurd even in terms of 90s Sci Fi


Okama_G_Sphere t1_jdn1wen wrote

Bruce Willis’ Hudson Hawk. I didn’t realize how much the critics hated it until the internet.


bruzie t1_jdn54io wrote

Start building up your tolerance to Dutch Angles. And seeing the exact same wipe for EVERY scene transition.

At least that's what my experience of the first 20 minutes was. Refused to watch further.


RisenFish t1_jdnblbx wrote

Champagne And Bullets is a fascinatingly awful vanity film. Guy who made it looks so uncomfortable on screen at all times even though he's the "hero" and Wings Hauser is shit faced in pretty much every scene he's in.


lostonpolk t1_jdnc0jk wrote

Beyond the Sea. Kevin Spacey finally gets to play Bobby Darin....about 20 years too late.


mrbrick t1_jdnsle2 wrote

He put a call out for vfx artists and stuff during the pandemic when I was laid off and I almost went for it. Kind of regret not doing it tbh because I moved on from vfx industry so it’s not like it would have been a red flag of my cv lol.


shf500 t1_jdo4k2s wrote

> Battlefield Earth

I was legitimately looking forward to this when it came out. Any sci-fi movie will get a "shut up and take my money" response from me...but I decided to wait for the reviews before deciding to see it in the theater. And I'm really glad I did.


shf500 t1_jdo4u05 wrote

I know that “Vanity project” movies have a terrible reputation, but on paper it doesn't sound bad at all. "I'm making the movie I want to make!" sounds like a good thing.

I'm guessing their ego gets in the way when making these.


ucancallmevicky t1_jdo6lta wrote

it is just so amazingly bad. It passes "so bad its good" goes all the back through "just bad" to "so bad it is good" all over again.

They have what amounts to cave men fly 1000 year old harrier jets after a few hours in a simulator, somehow all this stuff just works and is powerful enough to surprise and defeat a race of beings that have perfected interstellar travel. It's mind bendingly stupid, very poorly written, acted and shot and just about the most crap lousy movie ever made. I do love it


Bozee3 t1_jdp8zmo wrote

Robert Downey Jr is Chaplin


AmeliaMangan t1_jdpnwp8 wrote

Big, big fan of the two vanity projects made by transcendently untalented starlet/belly-dancer Nai Bonet in 1979 and 1980, Nocturna and Hoodlums. Especially Nocturna, an achingly unfunny disco-era "comedy" about Dracula's granddaughter, in which the reason Bonet never achieved stardom becomes immediately apparent the minute she opens her mouth. ("Good ev-en-ing The-o-dore have-you-seen-my-grand-fa-ther.") The only good thing about it is the immortal Brother Theodore as Nocturna's lust-wracked Renfield, and that's because he improvised all his dialogue ("Am I never going to be her little yum-yum? Is she never going to invade my bed and abuse me carnally?!").