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windowpanesir t1_jeg65q7 wrote

Your opinion is immediately discarded considering you opened with talking about how you didn’t watch the movie and then bring up other films that “deserved to win before this”.


zachlabean t1_jeg69rq wrote

You must be the life of the party with all your edgy opinions.


CoolAsTheUnthawed t1_jeg6bqe wrote

Sounds like you need to learn to temper expectations before going in to a movie


outtyn1nja t1_jeg6lsb wrote

In an attempt to appear critical and intelligent you've managed to come across as a racist moron. Just a heads up.


NGNSteveTheSamurai t1_jeg76c5 wrote

How sad is your life that you can’t enjoy something because too many other people did?


ArgyleRdGirl t1_jeg7aj3 wrote

It looks as boring and silly as The Shape of Water. The only reason I’d watch it is Jamie Lee Curtis, and it would have to be available for free.


vVWARLOCKVv t1_jeg7ez6 wrote

I cannot stress this to you enough, but I'm going to try.

Don't base your opinions, good, bad, or other, on an awards show.

Every winner of Best Picture ever wasn't necessarily the best movie that year. The will of the people isn't reflected by any award show, especially not the Academy Awards.

In this case, however, they nailed it. Great movie, great cast (Shortround, Yu Shu Lien, and Laurie Strode are in this MFer!), and a great, albeit weird ass, story. Watch the movie with no expectations and decide if you like it or not.


whatthef4ce t1_jeg7wf1 wrote

The beginning of EEAAO was pretty slow and confusing but holy smokes did that movie totally shape up once it got going. Balled my eyes out like a baby multiple times. It is very well-deserved of its best picture win.

Also how did you not like parasite?

Have not seen the remake of AQOTWF or Athena but The Northman absolutely did not deserve BP especially over EEAAO.


lego_office_worker t1_jeg8ds5 wrote

I saw it when it came out, and I thought it was fun, but I dont see why it was so awarded, I didnt think it was that great.

but the northman? that movie was awful. if you sat through that mess and enjoyed it, you'll like EEAAO.


Intelligent-Age2786 t1_jeg9yxi wrote

It doesn’t have to live up to the hype (which I’m hoping it will cuz it’s incredible), cuz it just nearly swept the Oscar’s. It was the most deserving movie this last year the win Best Picture, and was one of the most unique movies we’ve had in recents years.


polybiusbabe t1_jegaxkw wrote

i took a gamble and saw it on opening week, so i admit i did not experience the hype in the same way (before people started discussing it i tried to generate hype and get more people to watch it, because it was so transformative for me). however, its ultimate popularity blew me away. i can't imagine how people who came to it later must be feeling. i went to go see it with no knowledge regarding even the base plot, so i'm not sure what the experience of watching it would be like now. if you don't want to watch it, don't watch it. simple as.

cards on the table: i do think award shows are silly. to me, it's a flawed way to measure art. if you liked the northman, it shouldn't matter that it wasn't awarded, because it impacted you artistically, right? if you do decide to watch eeaao, base your opinion on whether or not you liked it on its own rather than whether or not you think it deserved the hype. that'll generate the most enjoyable experience.


delphic0n t1_jegb7t0 wrote

There are actually people out there in real life that really hold these opinions. They vote in elections and shape media direction


Archamasse t1_jegben7 wrote

What a movie though. Listening to the soundtrack right now, and even that is incredibly good. There's such a crazy balance of big sweeping scale and moments of quiet little melancholy or warmth.


AlphonzInc t1_jegbwji wrote

Very weird question. I’m looking forward to it exactly the same amount as I always have been


shadowdancer352 t1_jegcii8 wrote

I saw the movie and I can tell you that you ain’t missing out on much - it’s just one of those movies that critics and movie snobs love to fellate each other over because they think it’s so deep and they’re the only ones who can get it but it’s just way too cluttered


golfmonk t1_jegdpqn wrote

It took me 5 attempts to watch that movie end to end...


lizzpop2003 t1_jege2yn wrote

If you found Parasite disappointing, that seems very much like a problem with you and how you manage expectations. I had none for Parasite, and I adored that movie. Similar experience for Everything Everywhere All At Once.

Don't expect anything except to be entertained, and you will find so much more to love in the world of entertainment.


straightupslow t1_jegejtf wrote

I'm wanting to watch the damn thing, but my iTunes says it won't be available to rent until NOVEMBER. I'll forget it even exists by then.


EarthExile t1_jegh0rh wrote

Being a contrarian feels badass when you're a kid, or just starting out in your study of the form. I get it. But it's a short step from there to cynicism and unreason, and you may not notice yourself taking it.

Ironically, a story as idealistic and light hearted as Everything Everywhere might be very good for you, if you take it to heart.


Comic_Book_Reader t1_jeghrhi wrote

Well, everybody raved about The Worst Person In The World, and so my dad ended up buying a Blu-Ray so we could watch the damn thing. It was borderline torturously boring, but that was just us. Probably gonna be the same with EEAAO. Just gonna say "Fuck it!", and just watch it. (Available for free on streaming here, so...)


TheRoguedOne t1_jegkegr wrote

Singling out the asian films instead of saying CODA and Nomadland or Green Book seems pretty targeted. Not saying it is racist but it seems like it. Also only listed white films that they would replace it with.


willrsauls t1_jeglids wrote

How can you say any movie deserved to win before EEAO before even seeing it?


MurkDiesel t1_jegnw8t wrote

i mean kinda, but only because i've seen it 5 times now and just watched it a month ago, so it's not currently on my watch list, but i think it's an amazing breath of fresh air


Character_Vapor t1_jegpwth wrote

There's no possible way for you to know whether this "deserved" to win or not if you haven't even seen the fucking movie yourself. What a dumb post.


StreetMysticCosmic t1_jegqwvo wrote


Did Aquaman Queefing Over The Whites' Federation already come out?


brokenwolf t1_jegs0to wrote

I was with you on how overrated eeaao was but to say parasite was overrated is too far.


Lanky_Ad_9849 t1_jegsbx2 wrote

I lost the desire about 30 min in. But because so many others think so highly of it, I tried again and again fell asleep around the thirty min mark. I’m not saying it doesn’t deserve the awards or hype, maybe I need coffee, idk


AthKaElGal t1_jegyrtb wrote

contrarianism isn't a virtue. it doesn't make you special. it doesn't make you better. it only makes you an idiot, especially since you make your decision to be contrarian without evaluating what you're dissing.

at least watch the whole thing before you diss it.


KaiG1987 t1_jeh542j wrote

If you haven't seen the movie, how can you possibly say whether or not other movies deserved to win before it?


ddbaxte t1_jeh55u2 wrote

Keep your boring thoughts to yourself.