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[deleted] t1_je3lr8t wrote

I refuse to watch it as an adult as I’m sure I won’t love it nearly as much.


Duel_Option t1_je3sbv2 wrote

Watched it last month with my wife…laughed my ass off.

Cmon Pike, let me in…I’m hungry.

I can’t Billy! YOURE FLOATING!


King_Buliwyf t1_je3nikq wrote

As someone who is: an adult, and a serious fan of the series; the movie is still great fun. OP is being a stick in the mud.


zak55 OP t1_je3lwml wrote

Eh, you might still find it funny. I might have if I wasn't so perplexed the entire time.


Kramereng t1_je3q58i wrote

You don't know who Pee-Wee Herman (Paul Reubens) is? That wasn't just some no name cameo.


Black_Shape t1_je4rg87 wrote

If a role depends on you knowing who an actor is and what they've done before, it's a bad role.


Kramereng t1_je55za2 wrote

In most scenarios, sure. But it in a comedy like Buffy, having a comedic cameo role by a well-known actor - in this case, a famous children's TV host - adds a lot more humor. Similarly, Tom Cruise's role in Tropic Thunder or Liam Neeson's cameo in Life's Too Short we're integral to the jokes.