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t1_iu3q3ve wrote

Act of Valor. With the exception of the river-sniping rescue, you can expect proper room clearing and team movement from a cast of active duty SEALs.

HEAT has an incredible, and continued to be used as an example, returning fire while retreating scene. It’s my understanding that the marines still use that scene as an example to this day before teaching the booters.


OP t1_iu3vshz wrote

I love heat. Not seen Valor yet. Shame on me. But now that i have a home theater of sorts, I’m catching up on a ton of stuff.


t1_iu49od2 wrote

Just as a warning for Valor. The acting is going to be atrocious. The dialogue is gonna flimsy at best. But if you’re watching it for the fun shit they do, it’s a great watch. There is a glorious SWCC hot extract they do that really made me regret not going that route.


OP t1_iu4aatu wrote

Swcc? Is this a navy thing?


t1_iu4bdbb wrote

Special Warfare Combat-Craft crewmen. They go through SEAL training called BUD/S along with those wanting to be a SEAL and once they complete it they go off to do their own specific training. They are the ones who operate the small boats primarily in a support role for SEAL’s. But still just as deadly.

Here’s an abbreviated segment of the scene.