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OP t1_iu3vshz wrote

I love heat. Not seen Valor yet. Shame on me. But now that i have a home theater of sorts, I’m catching up on a ton of stuff.


t1_iu49od2 wrote

Just as a warning for Valor. The acting is going to be atrocious. The dialogue is gonna flimsy at best. But if you’re watching it for the fun shit they do, it’s a great watch. There is a glorious SWCC hot extract they do that really made me regret not going that route.


OP t1_iu4aatu wrote

Swcc? Is this a navy thing?


t1_iu4bdbb wrote

Special Warfare Combat-Craft crewmen. They go through SEAL training called BUD/S along with those wanting to be a SEAL and once they complete it they go off to do their own specific training. They are the ones who operate the small boats primarily in a support role for SEAL’s. But still just as deadly.

Here’s an abbreviated segment of the scene.