Submitted by ForerunnerAI10 t3_z91umu in movies

I only saw Steven Spielberg's West Side Story, just an FYI. This is because he is my favorite director, and the direction is just up to his standards! He needs to do more musicals!

The only claim to fame for In The Heights was Lin Manuel Miranda. Considering he wrote the original play, including the songs. I never saw the original play. I like his songs, but I'm not obsessed with him.



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Kyr-Shara t1_iyei0mp wrote

i like both. why does it have to be a competition?


NoDisintegrationz t1_iyek2qy wrote

I didn’t care much for either. I’d maybe lean toward In the Heights because at least I hadn’t seen it before.


lizzpop2003 t1_iyek71q wrote

They are both very good films. In The Heights has excellent music, some great characters and some really unique set pieces to bolster a sort of mediocre story.

West Side Story also has excellent music, great characters and unique set pieces but the story is stronger and the cinematography is amazing.

So West Side Story is probably "better" but they are both really great. I would also recommend Tick, Tick .... Boom!, another musical from last year that I actually think is better than both of the other two. Andrew Garfield is absolutely amazing in it. It's the directorial debut of Lin Manuel Miranda and it is excellently done.


dtudeski t1_iyelp8a wrote

Spielberg’s West Side Story might be the better film but I absolutely preferred In The Heights. That film is just an absolute blast to watch!


Ranulf5 t1_iyepf0d wrote

For me personally, In the Heigjts was super fun to watch, but two days later I could barely remember anything that happened. I feel like the plot was somewhat strung together with fishing like and was backed by really colorful, creative, engaging musical numbers. Overall I gave it 7/10.

West Side Story was technically much better. Maybe a bit less fun, but still very fun, and I think the plot was carried out decidedly better. Overall an 8/10.

I prefer West Side Story, but I totally support people with the inverse opinion


My_Opinions_Are_Good t1_iyeqkyk wrote

West Side Story is a masterpiece, and one of Spielberg's finest films.

And John Chu is a fine director, but he's not Stephen Spielberg.


thewidowgorey t1_iyeugfq wrote

In The Heights was beautiful and written by someone from the community. West Side Story has great music and excellent marketing, but even Stephen Sondheim who wrote the lyrics said the story wasn't very good.


monetarydread t1_iyew413 wrote

Neither... i hate musicals.

Forced to choose though? I choose West Side Story because the looked like it had more money thrown at it so the costumes, sets etc., looked nicer.


Simony1922 t1_iyeyofl wrote

WSS. I turned off In the Heights after about 30 minutes.


MovieMike007 t1_iyf5vsh wrote

I wasn't a huge fan of Spielberg’s West Side Story so I'll have to vote for In the Heights simply for not being an unnecessary remake.