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PermYoWeaveTina t1_ixvjfhh wrote

The 3 main characters were trying to use it to their benefit to get rich, no? They didn't die?


matlockga t1_ixvk180 wrote

They were clearly in it to prove it was real. Hence the overarching narrative about the man on the horse.


PermYoWeaveTina t1_ixvmcaf wrote

You're just wrong on this one, watch it again. They're intentionally secretive with Angel, and they don't want TMZ/paparazzi showing up. They openly call it the "moneyshot". If they just wanted to prove it was real then wouldn't they be happy all the news crews show up after the crowd at Judy's ranch "disappears"?


matlockga t1_ixvn76j wrote

"Oprah Shot."

And not really. Why let someone else tell an incomplete story and erase the reality?


PermYoWeaveTina t1_ixvpmx5 wrote

The "story" being a picture of a UFO in the sky? The only thing being "erased" is their payday. Flimsy flimsy flimsy.