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ZRX1200R t1_ixfdfc5 wrote

If you're going after a movie, let's include books as well. I read a popular book that has 2 daughters get their dad drunk so they can have sex with him to continue the family line. How sick is that?!? Should be criminal to allow people to read it.


crazybutthole t1_ixfe5f5 wrote

Wow thats terrible. That book should be outlawed!!

I cant believe they would allow that in a christian country like usa!


Clueless_Reddit_User t1_ixfg9hc wrote

That’s abhorrent, what’s the title of the book so I can report it to the proper authorities?


wishiwasonmaui t1_ixfhor4 wrote

Dont forget, earlier that father offered those same daughters to a mob to be raped.