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nate6259 t1_ixfetw2 wrote

I'm trying to think of what common factors would make a movie illegal/break the law. Some that come to mind would be:

  • animal cruelty
  • child actors working over legal hours
  • unsafe/unsanitary conditions, maybe?
  • invoking violence, possibly? Would be curious what others come up with.

But yeah, even if it seems sick to some people, if all the legal work is done and the actors fully consent then there is nothing wrong with a movie being depraved.


testingtor t1_ixff4bw wrote

Plenty of crimes can be committed making a movie, i just dont know which ones OP thinks this movie committed.


lisabea19 t1_ixffd43 wrote

I guess copyright law. So if a movie was blatantly plagiarizing another movie. Or perhaps there would be a case for some sort of misrepresentation if they made an authorized biopic of someone’s true story without paying them/crediting them, or if they told lies about rhay person that could be seen as slander.

Either way, making a gross movie isn’t illegal. What should be illegal is how the whole movie didn’t make any sense.


sudo_robyn t1_ixh51th wrote

OP is just conservative, they all hate art.


trashmaster500 t1_ixjptpj wrote

OP is just mad that seeing the human centipede gave them a massive erection.