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After_Hovercraft7822 t1_ixqf4by wrote

I saw a free screening of The Dark Tower.

When the movie ended, I heard a young woman tell her date “I hated this. I really hated this. I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can see you anymore.”, get up and leave.

Guy looked mortified.

My other one was a midnight screening (remember those?) of John Wick 2. The teenagers behind us were cracking jokes the whole time and pissing everyone off. As the credits rolled, the woman next to them stood up and said sternly: “I rarely get out to the movies. I was really enjoying this but you clowns ruined it. I hope you boys grow up. I hope you stop disappointing everyone around you. And you <points to the main jokester> when you find yourself old, miserable, and alone, that you have the decency to kill yourself and not make your sadness everyone else’s problem like you did tonight.”

Response was mixed claps and a lot of “😬”


cory453 t1_ixrhbc4 wrote

She thought of that during the opening credits and held it in for the entire film. I respect it.


APiousCultist t1_ixrfqi8 wrote

This is a scenario where someone needs to just throw out a "Yo, shut the fuck up." (or fetch a member of staff)


toadfan64 t1_ixs9q3a wrote

I've done variations of this, and 3/3 times it has worked so far.

The problem with fetching staff is you end up missing part of the movie.


lmJustNewBootGoofin t1_ixstgbx wrote

would you rather miss one scene or have people ruin the whole experience though?


toadfan64 t1_ixsto4i wrote

I mean yeah, I have contemplated leaving to get a manager, but telling folks to shut the fuck up has worked so far for me.


garrisontweed t1_ixsdexi wrote

When i worked in a Movie Theatre.Had the first one.With a furious woman storming out of the theatre about twenty minutes into the Movie.Her date looked absolutely deer in a head lights as she said don’t contact me ever.The Movie-Swordfish.

I’m pretty sure it’s the scene where Hugh Jackman character gets a bj as he’s trying to break the code in time .


Shintoho t1_ixsxawe wrote

I mean that's really what he gets for taking her to see The Dark Tower of all movies


bob1689321 t1_ixwpstv wrote

That verbal smack down went from ayyy to errrmmm. There is such a thing as too far I think.