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cmmosher t1_j2arkzc wrote

He was actually cast against type. Before Die Hard he was know as a comedic romantic lead from Moonlighting. As for his appeal, for the time Willis was shluby everyman who literally fell into fighting terrorists.


[deleted] t1_j2brwl6 wrote



cmmosher t1_j2bt0q4 wrote

I don't disagree but the movie unfortunately didn't do anywhere near as well as Die Hard did.


fungobat t1_j2c7bjv wrote

Yep, definitely a cult classic but so good. And I would say Bennett from COMMANDO (1985) fits the character more (out of shape, chubby guy).


cmmosher t1_j2c7k74 wrote

Ya I rewatched Commando the other day and was surprised because I remembered him looking more muscular.


bop999 t1_j2c7igp wrote

Snake Pliskin was already an action hero.


SpektrumKid t1_j2ccu24 wrote

Well he was a boob the entire movie. And that’s the point. Kurt Russel’s character thinks he’s all that, but he keeps messing up.

Very different.