Submitted by TheCamelKnight t3_1001wal in movies
Submitted by TheCamelKnight t3_1001wal in movies
It is a good movie. Very unique
People who haven’t watched Rick and Morty, the Matrix, or Terminator lose their minds about this movie. People around me in the theater were whispering stuff like, “wow, I gotta see this again soon. That was so amazing.” And I’m sitting there just… not blown away. It was fine. Just fine.
Good but not unique for me
Weird, but nice, life affirming movie.
It was refreshing to see something on the screen that seeks to purely tell an interesting and entertaining story and allows for audiences to take from the experience what they will.
Same. I liked it but not it's not a Great movie.
I figured...I just couldn't relate as much.
Isn't that all movies😂😂
it definitely tried way to hard to paint a picture that the end reveal was going to be be so fking deep and edgy that it would just blow your mind and they had no fucking clue what to do with the ending it was just like some emo teen girls twitter
I mean, it literally IS unique.
I loved it. That being said I'm not sure I've would have loved it if not in this stage of life.
SPOILERS: It made me feel special and wanted. It made me feel like just because I didn't make all the right choices, I was still valid. It made me feel that regardless of the choices I made I still just want to feel loved, heard, and appreciated.
It was the first movie I've seen with such a big message and they portrayed it so clearly. Got hot dogs for fingers? You still care about your relationship and being valued/ special in your partners eyes.
Edit: reading the other comments, I have no trauma or issues in my life. I have a great job, I'm secure with money, have a wife who has loved me for 10 years. This was just a great movie.
Which part?
File this under: cliché and unoriginal
Honestly I agree. Don’t really get the hype
I've seen all three and really liked the movie.
I get this. Like for me city of god is one of my top 3 because they used local kids as actors.
Well you are not target audience obviously but people might find other aspect of movies interesting but it won’t make big impact for them like you. But i think this movie will be remembered for a wacky imagination. Maybe not for masses but in cinema history it will be remembered like Matrix in 1999.
“People who love something I don’t are just ignorant unlike me” is a heck of a thing to believe. Is it not possible their life experiences are just different than yours and thus some of the aspects of the film mean more than them? I really liked the film but it’s not an all time favourite for me. I’ve also seen all of the other works you’ve mentioned have have high opinions of two of them. The third I found insufferable but I don’t think you’re dumb for liking it.
I've gone through plenty of trauma (especially parental) and I don't think it's that great.
I mean, I'm not in the mafia but I get The Godfather. Different Strokes I guess.
People should not feel compelled to keep respectful opinions to themselves. But I do question what motivated someone to make yet another post on r/movies to this effect. This opinion is more tired than the opposite at this point. We get it: super popular movie isn’t universally loved. No kidding. That’s true for every thing that is super popular. It sucks being in the minority but you’re not superior for being contrarian. Both sides are valid.
I had a hard time getting into and restarted it multiple times.
probably my favorite movie of 2022
No it wasn’t
They put zero effort into this post, it’s not the opinion it’s the waste of time that’s the problem.
Who are you quoting? Because it ain’t me. I mentioned those movies because they involve a few elements which are integral to Everything Everywhere All at Once’s story, those being the idea of multiverses, running Windows XP out of a moving van to battle the evil new robots, and time travel. Of course their life experiences are different. Maybe they never watched Rick and Morty or the Matrix, so they think the ideas and technology in EEAAO are so novel and exciting that they think it’s the best movie in the world. See what I mean?
It became my favorite film of all time. I saw my mother in it. I saw my sister in it. I saw myself in it. First generation from immigrant born single mother and we’ve all worked our asses off, the film scratched a desperate itch in me and it had my type of humor and philosophy that keeps me going. There’s sooo much more i can say about it, like if I was still in college, I’d probably would’ve written a 15 page essay on the thing.
Edit - when I watched it my mom who is now 50 and has led a bonkers life spanning countries and jobs and languages and she’s not considered “legal” in this country and she saw the film and how it depicted Evelyn and her had. She said she wished she could have had that moment with her father but due to distance, laws, and time… she never got a chance to. It was a story we had never seen on the big screen like this.
Seen the Matrix?
I hate mafia stories but I liked the godfather too
More original than yours
Yep, that's it for me for this sub. Literally all "hot takes" on popular movies and fucking nothing else now. ✌️
I love DANIELS interesting cinematic perspective applied beyond music videos. For those unaware, they created this fuckin masterpiece as well, nearly a decade ago.
I am convinced the entire movies only exists because someone thought the whole everything bagel thing was really funny so they built a wacky movie around it. And that bothers me.
Started it last night. Agreed. The characters and plot are compelling. Entertaining. Depth of meaning. Appreciate the the themes and levels of story.
Parents with strained relationship with their children isnt new. Maybe we're being to anal about this
Maybe you didn’t mean what I quoted but if not then your first sentence is very poorly worded. Because it clearly states the only people who go wild about this movie are people ignorant of those works.
I mean, I found Rick and Morty to be obnoxious and intellectually a snore but I get other people love it. But I’m not going around saying people who like it just haven’t seen a David Lynch film before. It’s just not for me and is for other people. That’s a-ok! I won’t go to the TV sub and post “Rick and Morty is just a good show”.
Good to know, thanks.
This I agree with.
I thought it was great right up till the bad guy reveal and then it starts to sink. Still has some cute moments after that but it also becomes more and more absurd as it goes on.
It goes from this cool almost Matrix like vibe to hot dog fingers. I can see why some people would really like it and can also understand why others would not.
I’m not sure how people think that it isn’t a good movie. I watched it the other day for the first time and my thoughts were 1.) it’s original 2.) the acting was phenomenal 3.) the plot was unique and interesting and last but not least, it had a diverse cast of people that reminded me of Lost in Translation.
You don’t have to have any trauma to enjoy it. I would say that the people who don’t like it now will like it years from now. It mixed family, action,comedy and sci fi all at once hence why I think the movie is deeper than people think and correlates with the title of the film. Watch it again.
>I just want to preface this by saying that Swiss army man is among my top 3 movies.
We need more barometer baselines like these in discussions on r/movies. Where’s I may not respect your taste in movies, I do respect you OP.
With that being said you have poor taste, and your opinion is bad.
Being intentionally obtuse is boring.
Yeah. It was very different.
I still love that gag where he jumps out the window
It was a fine movie. I'd wholeheartedly recommend it. My criterion for a 'great' movie is whether I'd want to watch it again...and again. I'm borderline. I'd certainly never watch it alone, but I'd watch it with someone else one or two more times in my life.
One key reason I'm not jumping to call it great is that the metaverse stuff has worn out its welcome, in 20 years it will be seen as a movie fad / temporary subgenre.
Wow! Really, I'm interested what comes second.
It was pretty good. Compared with most crap that’s been coming out these days.
You should probably go see it with your parents or at least pay for them.
It overthrew my childhood favorite : Donnie Darko and I’m also a huge fan of urban fantasy or regular people in extraordinary situations type of storytelling :)
My third fave is Black Orpheus followed by Young Girls of Rochefort, All That Jazz, and My Neighbor Totoro. Haha
could you explain to me what isn’t unique about a story of a mother traversing the multiverse in order to save her daughter who has become a body-jumping supervillain from killing herself and the entire world by collapsing reality into a donut-shaped black hole?
Yeah, it wouldn’t make sense to go around saying people who dislike Rick and Morty just haven’t seen David Lynch films. I don’t think Rick and Morty uses any elements that are already very established elements in certain works of David Lynch.
I love anyone willing to die on their hill
You’re probably not Asian my guy, the film is made for first-generation Asian Americans and just happens to be great that people outside of that community find it relatable.
Oh, come on now. Be less obvious.
I loved it so so so much. Somewhere in my top 3 for sure. I'm depressed af though. So, that is probably why I had an easier time relating. It was everything I needed to hear, honestly. Particularly the part about how hope and joy are necessary and strategic. I wanna get a tattoo, but idk what yet cuz I dont like quote tattoos. Maybe some googly eyes.
I haven’t faced trauma in my life but it is a top 5. To me the movie is special because I struggle with what I want to do with life. I am talented and excel at most things I put my mind to but I want to do more. This movie takes a step back, finds meaning in the absurdity of life, and basically tells us that a good life is one that you find meaning in.
I did say it was good
Waymond Wang is the hero of every mediocre husband and dad like me.
Life will hit you with some existential panic attacks that may leave you debilitated and depressed.
After that, is when this movie is good for you.
Maybe take too many mushrooms, have a complete mental breakdown, then 3 months later try again.
It'll give you a reason to live.
It’s a storytelling and cinematic masterpiece that does something original with the metaverse all while centering on how to love someone that is suicidal
This post and op's comments just seem like opportunities to flex the "niche" movies he's seen
“You gotta be traumatized to enjoy this movie” is an interesting position. I’ve got plenty of trauma/depression and thought it was just okay. I truly believe most of the hype was clever marketing.
Thanks for your valuable contribution to the discussion.
I'll check them out.
Masterpiece. Especially considering they used super old SFX and it still flowed
Swiss Army Man is in my bottom three movies. Honestly never been less on board with a movie's sense of humour in my life. Hated it.
You’re in r/movies
It’s one of the best executed films I’ve ever seen. It’s just very impressive.
What? You didn’t see the other thousand movies about a mother traversing the multiverse in order to save her daughter who has become a body-jumping supervillain from killing herself and the entire world by collapsing reality into a donut-shaped black hole?
It absolutely blew me away tbh best film I’ve seen in quite a few years.
The creativity in the film is astounding. It’s consistently entertaining throughout its entire 2 & a half hour runtime (not an easy feat) and the film connected me in a way emotionally that few pieces of media do. Haven’t felt so hard since The Leftovers ended. Incredible film.
It’s OK that the film didn’t connect with you in the same way it did others. It’s all subjective.
oh right, my mistake
What percentage of this movie is sub titles? I can't do sub titles.
Think nothing of it.
It’s Top 3 because they used local kid actors? Not because of the story, direction, etc?
Yeah, and?
In what way?
I thought it sucked
I feel like you might not understand the deeper themes.
Where is the implication that anything that happens in EEAAO is a simulation?
OP getting dunked on in here is hilarious.
You could say this about any movie if you boil it down to nothing like this. A person and their friends coming together to save the world/country/town/friends/partner/kids/special object isn't new either which encapsulates almost every single movie out there.
Lol this is r/movies, not critics section, tHeY uSeD lOcAl AcToRs is what I’d expect, nothing deeper analytically
Edit: OP is valid, I’m jesting that the explanation is an odd reason to make it a top 3 movie…
You mean the concept of flying a ship with Neo plugged into the matrix while fleeing robot overlords was “very different” than driving a van with Waymond Bluetoothing into the other universe while fleeing Joy’s minions? It’s the same page of the Mad Lib.
I dont like subtitles either. I did t mind in this movie. The pase and speed of the movie made me not get annoyed by subtitles.
Simulation, multiverse, potato tomato. You have to plug in remotely to do things in the other place.
I liked it. I bought the bluray. Will watch again in a year or so.
Edit: I'm swedish if that matters.
There’s a whole show about this, it’s called Rick and Morty
best movie of the year.
Thanks for this comment. It literally stopped me from a snide comment. Great point.
Why does it feel like most posts on subreddits like this and r/television are made intentionally to get hate karma
I loved the movie. Going in I had absolutely no idea what this movie was about. This came out close to the Doctor Strange movie and this is definitely the better Multiverse movie by a longshot. The only issue I had with the movie was that the last quarter of the movie kinda felt like a drag. I like the message but it just wasn't as captivating as the start. All in all, one of the best movies of 2022.
It’s really good, even great. Not profound I would say, but I had a great relationship with my parents. I could see people that didn’t meaning more to them. If you don’t like this movie, then fuck you! (Talladega Nights Big Red commercial style)
It was a great movie and already one of my favourites. I was told afterwards by a friend, so it was like a strawberry ona cheesecake.
Massively overrated movie.
Based on a true story...
I respect it. My top 3 are also weird, but “they used people locally” is an odd defense for why you like a movie…… lol
If it's not unique what is it similar too.
I’m with you OP, very overrated. Lightweight in every sense (very benign ‘shock’ humor, 11th grade philosophy, ‘craziest’ thing you see is hot dog fingers).
still haven't watched it because I think the multiverse gimmick is played out
Nice. Good luck. Hope you find something cool this year.
That’s not my position, as I said.
I personally didn't care for the humor.
One large issue I had with the movie was that it was targeted towards Asian immigrants to American without actually making any profound, introspective, or interesting observations about it. Everything it had to say about the experience surface-level. There was a real chance there to critique aspects of those family dynamics that just go completely unchallenged by the movie. It was telling people what they wanted to hear instead of what they needed.
I cried at a scene with 2 rocks having a heart to heart. Each to their own 😆
Yeh and did you fail 9th grade English class? The setting, subtext and themes of both movies are very different.
Yes, the bar is that low.
Go all in and get hotdog fingers. Not a tattoo, like legit hotdog fingers.
Right?! Mine are nerdy af, but still. To each their own.
this is a bad take
wow this is a really original take. ^sigh👍
To go full out, mine are Hanna (cinematography and score and locations are amazing), Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (idk, its got a place in my heart), and right now Everything Everywhere All At Once, my third changes a lot.
Edit: the American version. I appreciated the acting. Wish they had finished the fucking series with Rooney Mara and Daniel Craig.
Hey OP I’m right there with you. It is VERY anti Reddit to say this was a good or very good movie and not the best movie of the year or greatest of all time.
I enjoyed it. I may watch it again in a decade or so but it’s put up on such a high level here.
My problems with it are it’s too long and the point of it is literally hammered on the audience heads at the end so many times it’s bordering on super aggravated superfluous assault! OK we get the fucking message!!
The whole idea of the multiverse is nice and exciting but the execution was borderline horrible. Nothing tying things together—one review mentioned it was like a 10,000 piece puzzle dumped on a table without any reference for how to put it together.
Dredd, ESB & Shaun Of The Dead.
I haven't seen Hannah or Girl.
Ohh man, Hanna had the Chemical Brothers do their score, I think it’s a good movie. Veryyy simple plot.
What’s ESB?
Hi, I'm OP: "This movie was shallow and pedantic."
Fuck off, it was wonderfully absurd and a breath of fresh air...
I would love to improve my toes dexterity
As someone who loves all of those things, I loved it and it is now my comfort movie:)
You're confusing plot with themes. Do you even movie bro?
"Swiss Army Man" is also in my top favorite movies! For the budget of what they had to work with, it's an oddly gorgeous and whimsical. Honestly reminded me of a modern "Edward Scissorhands". I totally understand why people don't like "Swiss Army Man" though.
This comment a millions times.
To say that I experienced loss in 2021 would be a gross understatement, but this movie, as crazy and weird as it is, helped me understand feelings I didn’t understand until after having watched it. This movie is better than some therapists I’ve used.
I'm dying on the hill that the original blade runner is mid. Didn't enjoy it.
Because its poorly written, generic and derivative in its storytelling format with horrible humor beats, not that well acted at all outside of the lead (with a horrible performance by the daughter), unexceptional on a technical level (especially when it comes to the score) and just overall not that good. its the only movie ive ever tried to watch two separate times and wasnt able to finish both times. Not ripping you for your opinion, just explaining how someone could think its not a good movie.
Haha rarely do I hear this take, although you’re not the first to think it
Empire Strikes Back.
I remember Hanna cuz there was another similar movie at the time. I saw neither. I'll add it to my list of stuff to check out.
Seriously? Are we really complaining about motivation and wasting time on a website you decided to go to, scroll through, and the comment on? It’s the super whiney vibes like yours that make this subreddit lame.
Oh, good choice.
It's ok, it's organic...
i will die on the hill that people only love this film as much as they do because they are still dizzy on the hype of multiverses . funny how swiss army man is the better film yet most people who like EEAAO didnt seem to care bout swiss untill now
I love that movie!
Haven't seen Everywhere All at Once but Swiss Army Man is terrible.
None of this analysis comes off as credible.
What about the story is derivative? Derivative of what?
Not well acted....
Unexceptional on the technical side? The thing is an editing and sound-mixing miracle.
You seem to be desperate to find a flaw but you picked places that objectively weren't flaws
If you don't like the film bc of all the hype and you want to hide you're being a contrarian fine.
I mean if u want to criticize the flick at least take the safer route of saying the film is pretentious but your comments expose a low quality of film literacy.
it follows every single beat of every multiverse work of fiction ever created with a horrible dash of the worst of rick and morty humor coming in the form of the hot dog fingers bit. derivative.
outside of the lead how is any other performance remotely exceptional? the daughters performance is flat out bad (pun intended), and jamie lee curtis’ performance could almost be considered parody. i could go on but whats the point?
i guess the technical element of things boils down to subjective opinion, but i guess i didnt see anything remotely exceptional on any front. the score is as forgettable as the marvel films that this is essentially copying.
your counter point of my opinion coming from the point of solely being a contrarian is juvenile, along with you insinuating my film literacy is questionable, especially since you don’t provide literally anything of substance to back up your claim of why you dont understand why people wouldnt think its a good movie.
The_Funkhouse t1_j2ez9b5 wrote
So far I have found that people who have faced some kind of trauma or depression in their life have really really loved it… and people who haven’t, haven’t.
Not saying that’s a blanket rule, just out of the people I know.