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t1_j2812kh wrote

First movie I ever watched was with my dad, it was Conan the barbarian. I was like 7 and now hooked on arnie movies, over the years we shared arnie movies and comic books. We went to theatres regularly, and bought and shared comic books and read my dads collection of Conan comics. When my first son was born I named him Conan and gave my dad a sealed and graded Conan issue 1 1970’s comic. Also one great memory was with my best friend back in high school, we watching big trouble in little Tokyo drinking a case of crownies. We were pretty drunk and I was convinced you could actually chop a beer bottle in half and my freind wasn’t. We finished that case of beer chopping beer bottles on the back deck, drinking and chopping beer bottles. Turns out you can’t chop a beer bottle in half.