Submitted by cpassmore79 t3_10q4gsk in movies

I do, and it's aggrevating. Every 20 years we get a D&D movie starting characters we've never met and a story we've never heard. I thought, after the MCU, the people making D&D movies would understand you need to lead with established characters and stories. Maybe someday we get Drizz't or Dragonlance, but, for now, it appears we're headed for another box office bust...



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scottybomb t1_j6nrqcm wrote

Well, the D&D fan-base has started to get heavily into the actual play model, and I feel that's what they were going with here. With successes like "Critical Role" and the like, you can do original characters in a familiar "D&D" setting, and the fans will buy in. They're your core demographic - and if they like the movie, that could start to draw in other genre fans.

That said, the movie isn't going to perform well because the company which owns the IP just did something which alienated their entire fan-base months prior to the release.


NKevros t1_j6nyh9j wrote

>That said, the movie isn't going to perform well because the company which owns the IP just did something which alienated their entire fan-base months prior to the release.

Didn't they roll back "the plan" and are releasing under creative commons?


scottybomb t1_j6nyqve wrote

They did, but my sense is the damage has already been done. There's been a lot of "too late" and "shown their true colors" chatter in the TTRPG sphere.


NKevros t1_j6nyyue wrote

Paizo certainly attempted to capitalize, but even with the "true colors" it's going to be really hard to unseat the big dog.


scottybomb t1_j6nzg6g wrote

Oh, for sure! And we'll have to see if fans are still willing to turn out for the film - my feeling is that the timing was real bad for it from a marketing standpoint. A lot of the fans who might have otherwise been willing to turn out for the film are now going to still have that bad taste in their mouth.


NKevros t1_j6o8hoc wrote

I suspect many may be like me and just wait for streaming.


Azura13e t1_j6ntyr6 wrote

What did they do?


scottybomb t1_j6nuutf wrote

Well... it's kind of a long story, but in a nutshell, they retroactively changed their third party content creation rules to take a firmer hold on their IP, which would dick over a LOT of smaller third party creators in numerous ways. Fans were outraged. Third party content creators were outraged. Subscriptions to their new D&D Beyond service started to get cancelled so fast they shut down the site. They've since walked this back, but the damage has been done.


Azura13e t1_j6nvfxj wrote

Well that sucks I’m hopeful for the movie, I think it can be fun


mickeyflinn t1_j6nsjzx wrote

I love Chris Pine, but he has such a terrible track record. He just makes terrible movies and shows.

> I thought, after the MCU, the people making D&D movies would understand you need to lead with established characters and stories.

I don't agree with this at all, there are many successful movies that don't have established stories and characters and there are many complete flops that do.

With that said, I don't have much hope for this movie. The ads are weird, it is just so shake and bake.


22Seres t1_j6nu3ae wrote

Everything they've shown makes it look like a pretty fun action-adventure movie. That's typically a winning formula for audiences. Now it's just matter of whether the movie is good (obviously) and that it doesn't veer into people viewing it as cheesy.


Roook36 t1_j6o99jo wrote

Yeah it looks good to me. You can definitely see that they're doing some interesting fighting scenes utilizing monsters and magic straight from the game. Good cast.

If you look at the history of the past D&D films they were all made for Syfy and written by a bunch of people who had no interest in the role playing game. But WotC is involved with making this an actual D&D movie. Not a generic fantasy film with a few mentions of familiar spells or a single monster from the game floating by for a second.


inbloomgc t1_j6nsl1d wrote

I think it will bomb because the trailer is completely uninteresting and forgettable. Nothing to draw new audiences in. I've heard of D&D, but never played the game. I would have given the movie a chance if the trailer looked exciting and compelling, but it was neither of those. If the reviews and word of mouth are good, then maybe. But that remains to be seen.


fanboy_killer t1_j6nvpoo wrote

I think it can be a moderate success, like Shazam. The trailer looked fun and the D&D fanbase is larger than ever. If they get the comedy right, it can do well.


stumpdawg t1_j6nqxw7 wrote

I'd love a cleric quintet movie or show


cpassmore79 OP t1_j6nrak1 wrote

In terms of writing female characters, Danica was ahead of her time. Focused, driven, doing her own thing. Not following Cadderly around fawning over him. She's great.


stumpdawg t1_j6ntdln wrote

She's up there with Mara of the Acoma from the Riftwar Cycle.


Rufus2fist t1_j6nrz7v wrote

They have my money, but I am a nerd for this shit. It will probably bomb sending the hasbro v wizards shit i to over drive on the board. Personally I would love to see it separated but I am not sure what that would mean.


The_Lone_Apple t1_j6nslo5 wrote

I'm sure the fanbase for a Dragonlance project might be somewhat big enough. It depends on how much crossover appeal it will have as well. Will a person who just likes fantasy or action in-general give it a try? Will they think they need to know the story ahead of time to be able to understand what's happening?


CaptinOlonA t1_j6nvn54 wrote

I'll be there on opening night, that is all I know!


GimmeTwo t1_j6odpq7 wrote

Totally. No idea why they didn’t try a dragonlance movie. Just makes too much sense.


voivod1989 t1_j6on78n wrote

Yes. It needs marlon wayans


Kiethblacklion t1_j6nsg26 wrote

I don't think it will do well. First, you have all the D&D fans who are upset at WoTC over the OGL issues. So some of those fans aren't going to support the movie. Then you have D&D fans who probably feel that the movie isn't true to D&D and it's just a typical fantasy movie with a D&D skin. Basically, just a normal Hollywood movie with some D&D Easter Eggs and so they won't support it.

Then you have non-D&D people (normies, such as myself) who have only heard of of D&D and who will go see the movie because of the casting or out of curiosity, but there aren't enough of those people to really give the movie the support it would require to succeed. For myself, I like Chris Pine and the movie reminds of me of other comedy/adventures that I have watched and enjoyed, but this isn't something I would go to the theater to see. I'd wait for the DVD or streaming options to become available.


writingt t1_j6nshpk wrote

I think it looks fun. I don’t know if it will tank but I’ll go see it.


Khan4269 t1_j6ntr0i wrote

It's going down like the Hindenburg


bcanada92 t1_j6nvab0 wrote

I've not seen or heard any buzz for it, and honestly forgot it was coming out till you just mentioned it. So probably.


meowskywalker t1_j6nzhct wrote

The whole point of D&D is making your own stories, so I’m not sure why you’d want a movie at all, but if you’re gonna make a movie I’d sure like it to be about original characters, instead of having to hear about goddamn Drizz’t again.


Jonathan-Rook t1_j6p4kdn wrote

I had an idea for a D&D movie like five years ago. It was a James Franco/Seth Rogen comedy (before their falling out) wherein Seth is at a birthday party for James Franco (much like this is the end). He goes downstairs to get more booze, and while down there, decides to smoke some weed. He’s looking around in the cellar, and sees an old, dusty, dungeons and dragons board. Dave Franco comes downstairs, to see what’s taking Rogan so long, and finds him with the D&D board. He goes in to talking with Seth about how he and James used to play it a little when they were kids but James grew out of it and Dave always wish he hadn’t. Seth then responds with how much he loves D&D; and going into who his character was, their traits stats, etc. as the smoke blows around the room, the two guys start to get really high. It is at this point that they open up the board, and start playing. The movie, sortve goes into a story telling experience (like the princess bride) with Dave & Seth enacting the roles of their respective avatars.

Eventually, more and more guests from the party come down. (Some unexpected), a few of which have gone on record in real life to admitting that they are in-fact gamers, nerds, avid readers of fantasy, etc.

People like Vin Diesel, and Henry Cavill would join the cast, and some really out-there castings and cameos for a really funny story; comedians like, Larry David, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Jack Black, and others would make appearances, along with some of the regulars in these movies like Craig Robinson, Jay Baruchel, Danny McBride, Kristen Wiig etc.

There was also to be some weird (but funny) additions, like Nicolas Cage, Jack, Nicholson, Christopher, Walken, Elijah, Wood & Sean Astin etc.

The idea is that it’d start out as two guys smoking weed and playing D&D in a basement at a party, and eventually as more people found their way downstairs, become the party itself.

The plot would literally be how the game they were playing unfolded - the moral by the time they close the book and finish the game being something along the lines of you don’t need lots of fortune or fame to have a good time with friends; and don’t forget the child-at-heart, Or Some bullshit.


Stinkfinger83 t1_j6nvc1f wrote

Based on the trailer, I’m convinced it’s an elaborate money laundering scheme


TappyMauvendaise t1_j6nvyf3 wrote

I read once that over one billion people play or have played D&D worldwide. If this is true, I think it could rival Avatar: The way of Water.


MinshewManiaBOAT t1_j6ohya5 wrote

Oh, oh my. That is certainly a hot take. I’m not even confident it will do 25% of Avatar 2’s business, realistically maybe even less.