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t1_j6n0wag wrote

The Book of Boba Fett. Cut out the Luke/Din/Mando episodes and tighten up the pacing it would have made an exciting movie.


t1_j6n25tn wrote

Obi-wan too.


t1_j6naivl wrote

Both were originally conceived as movies when Disney was figuring out what to do with Star Wars. Solo's under-performance and the success of The Mandalorian is why they were reconceived as series.


t1_j6o4xes wrote

that non-twist ending had it not taken them so damn long to get there.


t1_j6ngsko wrote

A guy proved it so hard with his fan edit of Obi Wan that he was interviewed by morning shows.


t1_j6o63dc wrote

Funny thing too is they actually had a great book they could have just adapted called Kenobi. Instead they just wrote arguably one of the most mediocre stories, filled with lots of cameos that achieved nothing in the end.


t1_j6naktb wrote

The Reva and Leia stuff was well done, but they had a nothing story for Obi-Wan. He just kind of bumbled around the galaxy just to have another lightsaber duel with Vader/Anakin and then go back to Tatooine.


t1_j6ncrt2 wrote

Well done…You mean that part where the 9 year old evades the grown men? Yeah that show sucks….


t1_j6ncx2l wrote

That awful sequence aside, Leia herself was a highlight in the show for sure.


t1_j6ne22a wrote

Wish I could agree my friend. I want the brand to be so much more. :(


t1_j6nfgka wrote

I just don’t think Kenobi was ever a series or movie that ever needed to be made. It was a bad idea to begin with because the way it ends has to be the same way it starts, with him being a hermit in the desert.


t1_j6nltqg wrote

Just some baffling decisions. I can’t remember who pointed it out but the whole idea that he’s meant to be there protecting the boy and yet, he’s kinda let it slip?

What is with this generation of filmmakers making our heroes completely different from whom they use to be. Rambo, Luke, Obi Won. I don’t get it. I love that Tom Cruise basically said, “Fuck that. I’m the hero. I act like a hero the whole time.”


t1_j6nn9bn wrote

I mean Luke’s story was amazing. To me seeing our heroes 30 years later being some unchanged uber flawless badass is lame. And not an interesting story. What they did with Luke in the sequels is a highlight for me. I LOVE HelloGreedo’s video on this:

However - Obi-Wan didn’t change, and THAT was the issue. That’s why telling a story for him in that era is silly. He was a depressed hermit when we saw him at the end of Episode III and he was the same depressed hermit when we meet him in IV so any story told between those two is nothing but fluff because the character never gets the opportunity to change.


t1_j6nm2cq wrote

Reva’s story was absolute nonsense. She survives things that she shouldn’t survive and her motivations make absolutely no sense. She becomes an inquisitor to kill the remaining Jedi to get close to Vader so she can kill him to avenge the Jedi 😂


t1_j6nsga7 wrote

And now she's yet another Force-user running around in the background doing nothing during the movies.


t1_j6nnqzt wrote

Eh she survived being stabbed. Something that’s happened all the time. It’s a fantasy after all. She was one of the only entertaining aspects of the show.


t1_j6n45uh wrote

They could've just put Din's plot in season 3 or a transional special episode between seasons 2 and 3


t1_j6nae50 wrote

Those Luke/Din episodes are some of the best Star Wars stuff ever made. Can’t imagine cutting those out. I could care less what the title of the show is, it’s a spin-off so there will always be connective tissue to other stuff.


t1_j6ne1g2 wrote

Those were good episodes but they belong in the Mandalorian not Book of Boba Fett. The show was supposed to be about Boba Fett


t1_j6nfc4g wrote

Eh again I couldn’t care less what the title of the show is. It’s a spin-off. Mando will probably have an episode in Ahsoka too.


t1_j6nfi20 wrote

❗ It's couldn't care less, not could care less.

^(I'm a bot and this action was performed automatically.)


t1_j6o4tpq wrote

If it's a spin off, then shouldn't it be its own story? Its one thing to have cameos and cross overs, but the most significant story from the end of Mabdalorian season 2 was resolved in a different show. That's ridiculous.