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Shaggy__94 t1_j66atlu wrote

I thought it was really good and liked it a lot, very funny and unique, but I also do not think it’s the masterpiece that many on here seem to.


ZebraBorgata t1_j66joe7 wrote

I enjoyed it but it was nothing special.


Conscious_Bee8827 t1_j66sqdf wrote

That's an almost irredeemable take? Everyone has their own tastes and it's absolutely valid to have not liked it, but if it's anything, it's: a movie, unique, and special.


ColdPressedSteak t1_j66gk03 wrote

I think it was more than really good, maybe not quite masterpiece but pretty close

But I also understand how the film can be a bit polarizing and that some people just don't connect with it and so can see why some people don't understand the praise


peaceblaster68 t1_j67940m wrote

I think the hype of this movie has oversold it with some people. I saw it early on and was blown away, but for people who’ve been told it’s the best movie ever for months I can see how it doesn’t live up.


poolaka t1_j68fkv6 wrote

This, 100%. I had this exact experience with The Dark Knight. Everyone was telling me it was the greatest, etc. I didn't see it for a few weeks or so, and the hype built up more and more. When you walk into any event with such high expectations, it's almost impossible for those expectations to be met and you walk away left wanting.

I enjoyed The Dark Knight, but definitely felt a lack of satisfaction to some degree. I think I've actually enjoyed it more in later viewings.

With EEAAO, I saw it fairly early in theaters and enjoyed it immensely. I walked out with a Mitch higher level of satisfaction than I did with TDK